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Gaga's Oscars performance now #01 on the front page of YouTube!


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Rolodex of Hate

WHY IT ISN'T ON HER VEVO  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:

This she would get so many views :giveup: and there aren't any other decent quality versions that have the whole performance included :omg:

We have no legal choice but to stan
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Arrrgh I wish there was just one official video so all views would be counted there, now 5M people watched it on Facebook and the rest watch these crappy quality videos on YT

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YouTube likes Gaga when she sing those vocals, when Gaga went on the VIEW and the Rockefeller Christmas thing they both were trending on YouTube.

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Vevo probably doesnt have rights to it, can people calm down

i know, its not like people is missing the performance they are seeing it in other parts 

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