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PHOTO: Marina's "FROOT" Cover

Guy Above You

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Guy Above You

i thought we alreayd had the one of her with a pear? 

That was a promo photo, not the actual cover.

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If it's real, I'm here for it, I like it.

Let me check Coverlandia to see if it's not fanmade or whatever


EDIT: Nope, can't find anything, starting to think it may be real :shrug:

operating from another world
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Gianni Versace

edit: this one: marina-diamonds-froot.jpg

That was a promo photo, not the actual cover.

wait, so it wasnt a single cover nor the album cover? just a promo photo? are you sure? 

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Battle 4 Ur Life

prolly fake. but it looks good, I like that pic.

”I’m falling over in my 9 inch heels”
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Guy Above You

prolly fake. but it looks good, I like that pic.

The photo is def. real, but I'm slightly questioning the font (someone said it looks like her handwriting?).

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lmao i love how you always overreact when it's something about marina :air:

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edit: this one: marina-diamonds-froot.jpg

wait, so it wasnt a single cover nor the album cover? just a promo photo? are you sure? 

Those are not pears tho haha

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