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Why other pop artists are still hugely popular, but not Gaga.


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Lady Gaga is inconsistent and people don't find solace in inconsistency? Idk. You look or listen to Taylor/Katy/etc. its all so incredibly familiar and similar and people know what to expect and they like that. I do know Gaga fell out of good graces with the media which plays a big role in the success of the modern pop star particularly Gaga though. How they frame articles, how they frame your image. People are urged and persuaded to question her and only her when it comes to her motives, her expression, everything. Can't pull a straight up victim card though because I don't think shes always marketed herself well either. I think more often than not things work against her and the media doesn't hesitate to strengthen the winds of the her storm and the consuming public (more often than not) care enough to follow the media at a glance but could care less about the truth. In that case most stars would fall on accessibility but she made herself incapable of relying on pure accessibility because to do so would make her perceived a hypocrite so all she can do is create and see what sticks.

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1. Her repeated "gay" mantra makes me people sick of hearing from her

2. Her management and promotion has been off since TEOG

If we backtrack when she started to recede, it was after Telephone. Alejandro turned a lot of the general public away from her.

Loads of reasons.


1. Bad promotional work.

2. Self pity over 'celebrity problems' instead of general problems everyone has.

3. No one cared for the art she's been trying to use as imagery, koons isn't that interesting.

4. Being behind on trends and releasing quite dated music.

5. Not sticking to the spot she made for herself in music, people want crazy weird Gaga or 'normal' Gaga, not half assed and lukewarm Gaga.


I can't express how annoying and dull it was hearing her moan about how hard she's had it in the business and how upset she was blah blah blah because there are thousands, if not millions of people who would cut off a limb to have a fraction of the success she has. The last thing I want to hear about is how 'hard' it's been for her when I'm desperately working and studying every day just so I can live, basically working myself into the ground... it's so frustrating.


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because her music is not as good as it used to be, her videos are a mess and the GP got tired of her


I'm sorry but her music is basically the same. Theres literally no reason a good portion of songs off ARTPOP shouldn't be Top 40 dominant alongside the likes of Timber and Ellie Goulding and whatever else they play on the major radio stations. Your typical Top 40 consumer just eats what is fed to them. The problem is Gagas image was tarnished and the people were persuaded to think of her as a has-been before the album even dropped. To give you an example, a slightly older friend of mine stated to me that her music isn't what it used to be, I asked him why he thought so, he just said "because its not". Did he listen to the album? Not a single track. So how then would he come to the conclusion that her music quality took a dive? Because he heard it somewhere! The logic. Now not at all am I saying ARTPOP is equatable to The Fame+Monster in terms of addictive hooks and I fully believe it deserved its mixed reception, but solely in terms of its commercial pop musical content all in all its still good and especially good enough to match her samey peers. People just get this hive mentality and the overall mentality is very anti-gaga these days. She came onto the scene like a whirlwind and dominated everyone and eventually in response people started rejecting her and her delivery with eras like Born This Way didn't do her any favors either. Im not saying this as "shes amazing and people are brainwashed" im not saying shes flawless. But even at her dullest shes still good enough to at least match her peers.

Loads of reasons.


1. Bad promotional work.

2. Self pity over 'celebrity problems' instead of general problems everyone has.

3. No one cared for the art she's been trying to use as imagery, koons isn't that interesting.

4. Being behind on trends and releasing quite dated music.

5. Not sticking to the spot she made for herself in music, people want crazy weird Gaga or 'normal' Gaga, not half assed and lukewarm Gaga.


I can't express how annoying and dull it was hearing her moan about how hard she's had it in the business and how upset she was blah blah blah because there are thousands, if not millions of people who would cut off a limb to have a fraction of the success she has. The last thing I want to hear about is how 'hard' it's been for her when I'm desperately working and studying every day just so I can live, basically working myself into the ground... it's so frustrating.


You sound like a typical pop stan. I don't agree with the majority of your point of view and I find it quite obnoxious actually.

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You sound like a typical pop stan. I don't agree with the majority of your point of view and I find it quite obnoxious actually.


Please elaborate, I'm interested...

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Please elaborate, I'm interested...


Her self pity is obnoxious but not even for the reasons you're moaning about. Its not about her being unrelatable, its the fact that shes seemingly so passive aggressive about everything. Regardless though, that hardly has anything to do with her popularity. This is just former gaga-stan problems trying to create a mountain out of a mole hill to jump ship and be with everyone else that already passed on her.


And quite honestly, her music is hardly dated. However the whole rave concept was 2 years too late, ill give you that.

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Her self pity is obnoxious but not even for the reasons you're moaning about. Its not about her being unrelatable, its the fact that shes seemingly so passive aggressive about everything. Regardless though, that hardly has anything to do with her popularity. This is just former gaga-stan problems trying to create a mountain out of a mole hill to jump ship and be with everyone else that already passed on her.


And quite honestly, her music is hardly dated. However the whole rave concept was 2 years too late, ill give you that.


Ask any person who is not working their dream job (a.k.a. a giant majority of the world) if they could care any less at the fact Gaga was supposedly mistreated by the manager who made her rich and basically helped her achieve her dreams, the answer will shock you. Listening to her talk this era has been painful, it's either about how inspired Marina made her (even though she done nothing with that inspiration after that woodland video), her struggle in the industry which done nothing but make her sound like a douche or how artistic her 'fun pop' album is. She came across very unlikeable this era which isn't going to help her public image at all. The sweetest thing she done this era was appear on Graham Norton but even then she interrupted the guests and generally came off as a bit of a douche.


Well as someone who listens to all the genres Gaga has dabbled with on ARTPOP, they sound like weak, watered down demos made from a couple of years ago.


I'm not going to sit here and slag her off to the high heavens but I feel like her personality and approach to promoting this album definitely killed it's chances and it's a shame because it had some potential, it would have had more if she got producers who actually knew how to produce tracks of the genres she was dipping her toes in but hey-ho, it's easy to talk in hindsight.

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Ask any person who is not working their dream job (a.k.a. a giant majority of the world) if they could care any less at the fact Gaga was supposedly mistreated by the manager who made her rich and basically helped her achieve her dreams, the answer will shock you. Listening to her talk this era has been painful, it's either about how inspired Marina made her (even though she done nothing with that inspiration after that woodland video), her struggle in the industry which done nothing but make her sound like a douche or how artistic her 'fun pop' album is. She came across very unlikeable this era which isn't going to help her public image at all. The sweetest thing she done this era was appear on Graham Norton but even then she interrupted the guests and generally came off as a bit of a douche.


Well as someone who listens to all the genres Gaga has dabbled with on ARTPOP, they sound like weak, watered down demos made from a couple of years ago.


I'm not going to sit here and slag her off to the high heavens but I feel like her personality and approach to promoting this album definitely killed it's chances and it's a shame because it had some potential, it would have had more if she got producers who actually knew how to produce tracks of the genres she was dipping her toes in but hey-ho, it's easy to talk in hindsight.


On the first part, seeing so many people on GGD sympathise and pity Gaga for what she went through is annoying too, because her problems with Troy really aren't that big of a deal in the real world. :rip: I suppose it's hard to compare because she doesn't really live in the same real world as the average worker does.


I know that's completely irrelevant but still :emma:

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Ask any person who is not working their dream job (a.k.a. a giant majority of the world) if they could care any less at the fact Gaga was supposedly mistreated by the manager who made her rich and basically helped her achieve her dreams, the answer will shock you. Listening to her talk this era has been painful, it's either about how inspired Marina made her (even though she done nothing with that inspiration after that woodland video), her struggle in the industry which done nothing but make her sound like a douche or how artistic her 'fun pop' album is. She came across very unlikeable this era which isn't going to help her public image at all. The sweetest thing she done this era was appear on Graham Norton but even then she interrupted the guests and generally came off as a bit of a douche.


Well as someone who listens to all the genres Gaga has dabbled with on ARTPOP, they sound like weak, watered down demos made from a couple of years ago.


I'm not going to sit here and slag her off to the high heavens but I feel like her personality and approach to promoting this album definitely killed it's chances and it's a shame because it had some potential, it would have had more if she got producers who actually knew how to produce tracks of the genres she was dipping her toes in but hey-ho, it's easy to talk in hindsight.


Oh god, people said the same thing about her during the Born This Way era and to be honest she was far more obnoxious then. But I can't think of a time when it wasn't somewhat cringeworthy to listen to her speak anyway. Her interviews with Howard Stern are usually her most revealing and the one she did with him during the ARTPOP era was nothing short of honest and endearing.


I work hard, I have a job as well, I am a working class person, and I do not agree whatsoever with how irked you supposedly are about her privilege and I have no doubt some people do b---h about that seeing as people b---h about everything related to the lives of celebrities. She worked hard to get where she is and she had management problems, I don't empathize with her because I don't know her personally and im not devoted to her like that and I don't really care, but it still makes sense to me. I do not agree with her seemingly passive aggressive displays in regards to said management issues and struggles with fame but its something that we can't understand, you are correct, it doesn't make her problems less valid. I think thats incredibly snobbish of you to patronize someones rights to having feelings. Money and celebrity doesn't make someone immune to emotional hardship and expressing it.


As for the content of this album do I think this is her best album? No. I think its her weakest yet. But even being her weakest, its still not that bad. For a commercial pop record that was released in 2013 against the likes of Prism, Bangerz, and Ariana Grande; it doesn't float below them. From a commercial pop perspective its right there with the rest. Its hardly a tragic downfall of quality. Her personality during the BTW era was much more tiresome so it baffles me that you've been so bothered with this era specifically from that standpoint but to each their own. I think the era itself was a mess, I think the music was fine and still her. All thats changed drastically is how people choose to perceive and consume her.

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On the first part, seeing so many people on GGD sympathise and pity Gaga for what she went through is annoying too, because her problems with Troy really aren't that big of a deal in the real world. :rip: I suppose it's hard to compare because she doesn't really live in the same real world as the average worker does.


I know that's completely irrelevant but still :emma:


This is what I'm talking about, I mean obviously it's sad she got upset and what not but imagine you've worked your ass off all day, do you really want to come home to an award winning millionaire moaning that people were only 'using her for money' doing the job she loves? I don't want to sound like a complete b*stard but it did really annoy me how much of a big deal the issues were being made out to be. :air:

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This is what I'm talking about, I mean obviously it's sad she got upset and what not but imagine you've worked your ass off all day, do you really want to come home to an award winning millionaire moaning that people were only 'using her for money' doing the job she loves? I don't want to sound like a complete b*stard but it did really annoy me how much of a big deal the issues were being made out to be. :air:


I don't think it's making you sound a bastard though and I'm sure anybody who works would agree :shrug: The same would apply to anyone who had genuine suffering in regard to their health or whatever too


I'm obviously not saying that Gaga no emotional suffering, but I mean in regards to facing extremes such as terminal illnesses and the likes

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Oh god, people said the same thing about her during the Born This Way era and to be honest she was far more obnoxious then. But I can't think of a time when it wasn't somewhat cringeworthy to listen to her speak anyway. Her interviews with Howard Stern are usually her most revealing and the one she did with him during the ARTPOP era was nothing short of honest and endearing.


I work hard, I have a job as well, I am a working class person, and I do not agree whatsoever with how irked you supposedly are about her privilege and I have no doubt some people do b---h about that seeing as people b---h about everything related to the lives of celebrities. She worked hard to get where she is and she had management problems, I don't empathize with her because I don't know her personally and im not devoted to her like that and I don't really care, but it still makes sense to me. I do not agree with her seemingly passive aggressive displays in regards to said management issues and struggles with fame but its something that we can't understand, you are correct, it doesn't make her problems less valid. I think thats incredibly snobbish of you to patronize someones rights to having feelings. Money and celebrity doesn't make someone immune to emotional hardship.


As for the content of this album do I think this is her best album? No. I think its her weakest yet. But even being her weakest, its still not that bad. For a commercial pop record that was released in 2013 against the likes of Prism, Bangerz, and Ariana Grande; it doesn't float below them. From a commercial pop perspective its right there with the rest. Its hardly a tragic downfall of quality. Her personality during the BTW era was much more tiresome so it baffles me that you've been so bothered with this era specifically from that standpoint but to each their own. I think the era itself was a mess, I think the music was fine and still her. All thats changed is how people perceive her.


See the Born This Way persona didn't bother me, it was cute and did come from a good intention even if it was wearing a little thin come the end. Are you on about the one where she said she didn't want to promote the album? I did actually quite like that interview, that felt like her only semi-honest (well, honest feeling) interview :rip:


Of course it doesn't make her problems smaller but the question of the thread is why other pop artists are bigger than she is and I doubt anyone outside of the fanbase is interested in her 'hardships' when they can flick the channel to someone more down to earth or entertaining. This era's been a mess and generally not appealing, from what she's said to the entertainment quality she's offered us. I'm not being a snob, I'm not saying she can't have problems but the world doesn't care for the hardships of someone rolling around on their millions, in their mansion who's in a seemingly happy relationship.


I also think it's her weakest but also agree that it's a better album than those you compared it to so where did the 'problem' come from? She failed at getting the public on board with the project but then played a victim to the industry, there's a lot of reasons as to why she couldn't and I mainly put it down to the fact she wasn't Gaga and neither Lady enough. There's not space in people's hearts for an undecided, half-assed Gaga when she's never been half-assed previously, they want her stripped back or crazy, not inbetween with moans.

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See the Born This Way persona didn't bother me, it was cute and did come from a good intention even if it was wearing a little thin come the end. Are you on about the one where she said she didn't want to promote the album? I did actually quite like that interview, that felt like her only semi-honest (well, honest feeling) interview :rip:


Of course it doesn't make her problems smaller but the question of the thread is why other pop artists are bigger than she is and I doubt anyone outside of the fanbase is interested in her 'hardships' when they can flick the channel to someone more down to earth or entertaining. This era's been a mess and generally not appealing, from what she's said to the entertainment quality she's offered us. I'm not being a snob, I'm not saying she can't have problems but the world doesn't care for the hardships of someone rolling around on their millions, in their mansion who's in a seemingly happy relationship.


I also think it's her weakest but also agree that it's a better album than those you compared it to so where did the 'problem' come from? She failed at getting the public on board with the project but then played a victim to the industry, there's a lot of reasons as to why she couldn't and I mainly put it down to the fact she wasn't Gaga and neither Lady enough. There's not space in people's hearts for an undecided, half-assed Gaga when she's never been half-assed previously, they want her stripped back or crazy, not inbetween with moans.


This is why I found your point of view obnoxious (no personal offense meant). You're pulling this cliche argument of regular person being annoyed with a celebrity talking about their problems because "who cares they're rich!". Its no less annoying than Gaga discussing her management woes while buying a new home in Malibu. And at any rate, how she is in interviews has always been an issue, even during her Fame Monster days and even moreso during Born This Way when she was pretending to be a mascot for kindness I mean it was vomit inducing seriously, the difference between then and now being the media has turned on her and we're bombarded with negativity going her way. Back then it was overlooked because at the end of the day she had a dope point of view, media coverage was mostly positive, and her songs were on the radio. The average top 40 consumer just eats what is fed to them and Katy Perry and Taylor Swift are jammed down their throats (some against their will) and all they hear about Gaga is how shes over. Now, im not saying Gaga isn't to take responsibility because she is and for a myriad of reasons. But the media is as well. Popularity in pop music, particularly for females, relies heavily on what kind of media coverage they receive and how the public is being persuaded to think. Gaga fell out of good graces and rebelled all the way down to where she is now. Im not victimizing her because I could go on a tangent in regards to my negative opinions which would make for a whole other discussion but I just don't agree with how you perceive things.


And don't, the ARTPOP howard stern interview is one of her best and is in no way "semi" honest. It was very candid. Its tripping me out that you don't mind how fake she was throughout practically the entire born this way era in interviews and yet now you think shes phoney. Imma let this go lol

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1. She has talent

2. Obviously from that list GP doesnt like talent

this, I am utterly starting to believe this


which is a damn mess 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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this, I am utterly starting to believe this


which is a damn mess

What I've determined is people want to buy music from singers who are similar to them, like oh hey she's just like me! Talented pop singers seem weird to them since its so rare

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