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Jessie J absolutely scalped by Drowned in Sound review


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I do agree that the music industry is horrible now. This is the worst it's been in over forty years.

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I think she really tried too hard with this one based on the failure of her last album, but she still has an amazing voice and the songs are fun so  :shrug:

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I gave the album 3/5 stars (http://auralfixationreviews.blogspot.com/2014/10/sweet-talker-jessie-j.html), but I suppose it was a bit generous :laughga: However, this review is a bit over-the-top nonetheless... They have to realize that Jessie J is trying to regain control of the straight community after becoming a recovering bis-xual

That is really lame. Music shouldn't be about catering to a set s-xuality and no one should give her a break for that :deadbanana:

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i'm listening to the album right now and it's definitely messy. I feel bad for her but honestly she could've had a better album. There's nothing that stands out to me at all. 

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I had the same impression when I heard the preview of all the album.

It's big mess-mixture of random songs totally different with each other, it seems that she tried to do every genre to impress the public at every cost. 

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I do agree that the music industry is horrible now. This is the worst it's been in over forty years.

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Tokyo Rose

I wasn't aware she had an album out..

Bang Bang is unbearable, but so is everything else on pop radio right now.

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"I'll break my foot and I've got fans going, 'I've got a tummy ache, can I get a re-tweet.' People think you go to a special hospital, get special casts and treatment. It's a lie - I'm the same as anyone else. And that was a moment when I had a proper good cry."



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I had the same impression when I heard the preview of all the album.

It's big mess-mixture of random songs totally different with each other, it seems that she tried to do every genre to impress the public at every cost. 

Sounds like ARTPOP viewed by a non-fan.

Threw in an R&B song, a horrible rap song, some ballads, some noisy EDM.

I haven't listened to her album, but this is such a pretentious review. Blah, blah, I hate mainstream music, look how cool I am! The review barely even mentions the album between his rants about Top 40 music and throwing shade at Jessie J that is completely irrelevant to her album. 


Not even a Jessie J fan, I just can't stand music snobs.


I think the reviewer is anti-pop. If artists outside the mainstream had something some original, catchy, and compelling it would sell. Look at all the random one hit wonders from newbies.

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Sounds like ARTPOP viewed by a non-fan.

Threw in an R&B song, a horrible rap song, some ballads, some noisy EDM.




With the main difference that all the ARTPOP tracks aren't generic like these ones.

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haven't had a chance to listen to the whole album, but from what I heard it's not too bad. I will agree that she seems thirsty for a hit though. Hopefully she'll do something deeper and more artistic down the line.

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I don't agree with those of you saying that the reviewer is a pop hater or an indie music snob. Maybe they just don't like the album. Does that ever occur to you? Just because someone is critical of something mainstream doesn't mean that they hate everything popular. The author says that they liked Domino and Party in the USA, so obviously, they're not completely against pop. I'm an amateur critic and I love pop music, but I've been mega critical of it for the last few years because, with very few exceptions, it's mediocre-garbage and even the once good acts are releasing rubbish nowadays (Britney, Christina, Rihanna, Katy at a push). This site was very critical and deservedly so, to Jessie's debut and I expected nothing less here. It's frank reviews like this that might actually change the pop music scene for the better but far too many reviewers are so lenient with no balls these days.


Anyway, in regards to the actual review, it's completely right. Three albums down and Jessie is yet to turn out something even halfway decent. She only wrote 45% of this album, which initially sounded like a good thing as her songwriting leaves much to be desired (although it seriously hindered her respectability as a multi-talented artist), but even with professional songwriters and producers taking the reins, this album still majorly blows. Just the same old topics that Jessie's been singing about from the beginning, all incorporating her trademark ear-bleeding voice that operates at precisely the right volume to induce the need to punch something. She's never going to be a big star in the States, so I don't know why she keeps trying. She'll be back to the UK with her tail between her legs real soon, but those comments she made about relocating to the US because they respect her talent more over there (despite the UK being her home and her most successful market) aren't going to be forgotten. I don't know why, like Slant Magazine stated that her record label didn't just tack on some commercial songs onto a re-release of Alive and called it a day, because it would have prevented a lot less embarassment and desperation and would have actually helped sales of an album that had been dead up until that point. There's nothing wrong with an artist never giving up, but the key to actually succeeding with that method is to be effortless about it. The way she's going, Jessie's in line for a Guetta or Pitbull collab to get her some sort of hit and that is not a good thing.

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