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Gaga reveals "Monster Pit" tour plans + chances to meet her backstage


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The Monster Pit idea is NOT a bad idea.

Just think, plenty of people who are obsessed with Lady gaga actually get to meet her, and these are the dedicated fans who have the balls to camp out all night, make effort in dressing up... etc

so yeah, I'm not saying these fans are 'better fans', all little monsters are equal, its just that maybe they perhaps deserve something little bit extra due to the special effort they've shown :)

pawz up.

Even if I won't be standing in the Monster Pit, I'll still dress up.


as usual I think most of you are being real ungrateful babies. here gaga has come up with a totally unique way of rewarding her most dedicated fans by allowing them to literally BE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HER PERFORMANCE!! Plus - giving them a chance to meet her afterwards - and STILL whiners have to complain that it's not enough - they actually want MORE -- they want a GUARANTEE that they'll meet her - - geez, are you kids really serious???

How about she just leaves it as a regular show with no pit - monsters show up all dressed up anyway - line up all night Anyway - and get squat for it - and sit wherever they sit in the seats!! would you like that better??

she's obviously only trying to make it better for LM's - and still u guys get it all wrong and twist it all around how it's not enough about YOU ! And of course, you want only MORE for YOU. talk about gimme gimme....

if fans are so concerned about LM's acting and smelling like jerks - well, whose fault is that?? yup, LM's themselves. take a good look at yourselves folks - would YOU want to be sleeping, standing next to YOU at a show???

Seems to me that gaga getting a reaction like this from her "loyal LM's" would really piss her off - and I wouldn't blame her. You guys aren't going to be satisfied until gaga gets really fed up with all LM's nonsense - and just starts blowing LM's off and making herself less available to her fans - ie., less autographs, less pictures. less meet-and-greets - -and then you'll all complain about 'Gaga didn't look at me'// 'Gaga wouldn't stop for a picture//Gaga didn't wave back at me//Gaga wouldn't let me hug her blahblahblah... - -and you'd all deserve it. There are plenty of stars out there who don't even ACKNOWLEDGE their fans - and just walk right past them - would you like it if Gaga became like that? Cause at this rate - she just might.

Stop pissing her off - Just ACCEPT this very nice "GIFT"/Gesture from her - and STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't want to stand in the pit - then DON'T!

if there turn out to be problems, I'm sure that Haus and her staff/security will deal with it. The best thing that each ONE of you can do - is shower first - show up, - - and just make sure to not act like a douche.

defo agree

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Literally can't get The Monster Pit out of my head.

Though some of you hate the idea, I'm in love.

I got to my venue at 6 a.m. even when I had vip. Waiting in line with Little Monsters is really fun, and I wouldn't mine waiting with them an entire night. I'm sure they will have wristbands for those who arrive first. I doubt they will make someone wait all night and end up telling them that they didn't make it.

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I don't think I'm gonna camp there the night before. What if it's like freezing cold outside.

If she ever comes here, though. :sad:

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C'mon guys, if you don't like it, consider it not even there. Just go to the concert and deal with it. Some people will wait outside for hours. What is your problem with that? It's not like if she drew one of the attendees at random, it will be you. During the monster ball, people waited all night to get to the general admission, and it will happen anyway. It's like Gaga is saying thank you to those people. Stop whining and b****ing.

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I'll dress up, and get into the pit. I need this. I stood in line for 10 hours, I'll do it again.

You're a Little Monster? Jesus is a Monster? :omg:

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Amen Fashion

So my mother likes the idea of the monster pit. She thinks it´s really sweet, to let people go backstage and into a better area for free :)

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****ity ****ity **** **** ****.

this is a **** idea... you know The Haus Of Gaga will pick people who are DRESSED up like gaga ..

how is it fair on guys? and people that generally can't afford to make or buy costumes. etc etc

Post of the ****ing year.

You know The Haus will pick 90% of people who are dressed like GaGa and the other 10% people breaking down at the thought of seeing GaGa up close. I'll buy a seat up in the rafters, get absolutely plastered and sway by myself in all the free space I'll have.

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You're a Little Monster? Jesus is a Monster? :omg:

Jesus is a lie. Believe in Jesus. He's a Monster. †â€ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬  :redface:

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It's like standing in line overnight for the big sales on boxing day or after Thanksgiving to get the best deals. People who wait get rewarded. I personally won't dress up and won't camp overnight, and I'm not bitter about it

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I absolutely NEED HML to be played on a black grand piano at the top of the ring enclosing the Monster Pit. While she's wearing leather.

My life would be made.

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I absolutely NEED HML to be played on a black grand piano at the top of the ring enclosing the Monster Pit. While she's wearing leather.

My life would be made.

I don't think she will do a song like HML on a piano when she has songs like Y&I and Hair.

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