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VIDEO: Gaga and Tony's HSN Cheek to Cheek Special


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Are these only Tony fans buying it?

no they are in bed right now xDDD

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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Alien Tulip

Her voice in the title track sounds so beautiful. This special is so good and even though I'm still not really excited for the jazz album, I'm happy she feels at least comfortable in this new place shes in. 

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I sincerely hope this counts for it's first week sales.

MEGHAN TRAINOR | Katy Perry | Taylor Swift | Lady Gaga | Rihanna | Ariana Grande | Beyoncé | Nicki Minaj | Sam Smith
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Almost 6,000 :giveup:

MEGHAN TRAINOR | Katy Perry | Taylor Swift | Lady Gaga | Rihanna | Ariana Grande | Beyoncé | Nicki Minaj | Sam Smith
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Will this album sell more than the pillows? They sold 22,000 :lmao:

INB4 they start dropping weights on the album to show how strong the case is :dies:

"This is a Madonna album, bam look at that! Completely cracked. Now look at this LOOK AT THIS COVER! It is so strong, it is the perfect case to protect your very special CD"

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