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Gaga's direction after CTC: classic rock & power ballads


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And the reaction of some (well, quite many) of her fans is exactly the reason why I don't like that she always talks about her future plans...

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I want something huge, ambitious and crazily operatic, like Queen's 'A Night at the Opera' album, but with modern synth and electronic production.  If Gaga takes her time, she can pull off something like that. And she'll secure her spot in history. 





This!!!! A continuation to and progression from BTW (musically if not thematically)

Exactly! She was half way there with BTW.

If only she can develop that style even further, write a solid cohesive album with a select number of amazing tracks (no filler and no hit-formula tracks), then she can finally put out that "album of the generation" she was buzzing about back then. Even if it doesn't yield her any Billboard no 1's, it would cement her legacy as a musical superstar icon.


I'd love it if she continued the Middle Eastern influences in her music, like in Aura. Imagine if she'd write something like a BTW meets 'Jesus Christ Superstar' type album. It would be incredible, and unlike what anyone else is doing! Odd time signatures and exotic scales!

And she could even take inspiration from Psychedelic rock, and jazz/rock fusion.

Edited by mister
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I said it on ATRL and I'll say it here


People who are not here for a direction like this


honestly, they should not stan Gaga to begin with, these are her roots, this is her destiny

Edited by BadMonster
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Just imagine an album full of TEOGs, Y&Is and Dopes....This could be something so great! This could turn her into a legend! I really believe this is where she belongs! That voice!! The metal and rock communities have been so supportive of her because they see the connection! SHE IS MADE FOR THIS! 


Please, please, please be true!! I've never wanted something so badly from her! BTW was a great stepping stone towards this direction, but it wasn't full on rock! She loves metal and rock music so much, I cannot wait to hear what she writes! If she writes an album full of Oh Wells, my soul will implode from happiness!


And to the fans who are complaining, please just let Gaga create what makes her happy! That's all that matters after all. We've had 4 albums now of pop music, I think we'll all survive if we get one that's a little different. That's healthy! 

Edited by heavyMetalGAGA
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electric chapel?

ehhh i guess.  yeah.  i like electric chapel, i just don't think it's the best example of RockGa at her best. But I wouldn't say Heavy Metal Lover is rock like some people are. 

Edited by SummerGirl21
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Speechless, MANiCURE and most of Born This Way fit that general theme. Turning in my stan card.

That way I can get a platinum stan card. 



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Yes, yes, YES! I am definitely here for this. Gaga was born to give a glam rock era. Slay us! 2015 please!

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My friend that was at a meet and greet recently......

"I don't know about that... someone in my M&G asked her about upcoming projects and she was very vague about it. She said if she said anything about what she's working on, someone would tell, and she didn't want it out yet. So they might be lying."

She also said, "She also specifically said she isn't going to stop doing what she's been doing, just expand."

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I said it on ATRL and I'll say it here


People who are not here for a direction like this




honestly, they should not stan Gaga to begin with, these are her roots, this is her destiny

King of Pain is still one of my faves. Her voice, her attitude....GOLD!

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