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'I Wanna Be With You' was changed into 'Dope' for a reason


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Did she really say this? She's such a LIAR! In the Howard Stern interview she said she changed IWBWY to Dope because Interscope said "we love the ballad, we love the ballad," because ballads are on trend, so she purposely changed the lyrics to make it all about a controversial subject like d--gs.


If it's true that she said this at the concert, I'll be very disappointed. She needs to stop with the constant lies and inconsistency in what she says. It just makes her look like a phony (something she vehemently denies she is). 


Nonono, I think the OP just mixed it up. If you just switch what was in the OP around, then it aligns perfectly with what Gaga said.

I remember this, and I must say that it doesn't contradict what she says here.


With Howard Stern, Gaga said that Interscope kept encouraging her to write ballads. She thought they just wanted her to jump on the latest trends (ADELE and Lorde). She said something like, "Oh, you want a ballad? I'll give you a ****ing ballad".


I could imagine that in the process of writing Dope, she also took the opportunity to make it more relatable, by writing more honest and raw lyrics.


I'm sure this are just two of the many reasons she wrote the song as it turned out.


This is what I remember, yeah. However, I still don't think she changed it to make it more relatable.

3 points in and ready for more
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This is what I remember, yeah. However, I still don't think she changed it to make it more relatable.


She did say relatable at a show, though. In San Antonio. I'll try to find a video.


EDIT: My bad, it was in Phoenix. You could be right about not necessarily being more relatable. The label asked her for a more relatable song, and she gave the same answer, lol: "Here's a ****ing ballad, right there".


She talks about it at the minute 5:08.




EDIT 2: Mess. Someone had posted the video already. :flop:

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Dope is way more relatable than the mess that was IWBWY.

And yea, interscope made her write a ballad, so she changed it to dope, which turned out more relatable than IWBWY.

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are crippling d--g addictions really more commonplace than strained relationships :awkney:

I'm Chloe. Except the C and the L are silent.
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Cameron Dallas

I'm glad for once that they made her change it. Dope is her best song ever.

Now that's ironic - yet Interscope allowed Gaga to release Applause, which, for the most part, is everything but relateable.

This too.

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