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Please HELP. Backstage chance in Korea


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[Edited] Have you ever had a dream? my girlfriend had a dream of meeting Gaga. One day she told me at first her teacher and advisors rejected her artwork (for her master degree) but then she explained to them that Gaga is really an inspiration to her, she can't stop drawing Gaga and won't stop. I really want my girlfriend to get to see Gaga and the only chance we can get to see her in person is having my picture got most voted. I have posted a picture of me with Asia hat and the green raver skirt, Can you guys please click like the pic under the name Aom Aom Thanks a lot.


Here is the URL http://www.thereallifecompany.co.kr/festival/gallery.jsp?idx=24


or http://goo.gl/dVPAO9


I really hope to win this, so I can bring my girlfriend to meet Lady Gaga. She loves Gaga so much and we exposed the world to know how we love her by painting all of these (Here are some of our drawings) and we just hope that one day Gaga could see by herself. We also draw on a sketch book and intend to give it to Gaga.


How to vote us? 

Follow this instruction, or the point won't be added 















My picture i posted there :



It's like a very little chance for me now cuz the person who got most like are 100+ more than me...anyway I hope some of you could vote for us. Thank you all so much.

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Really cute! Did you paint the Swine skirt yourself?


Yes, I copied from the original of hers <3

Done :)



Done. Best of luck to you! 


Thank you so much  :heart:  :heart:

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Yes, I copied from the original of hers <3



Great job! I love seeing fan artwork like that. I hope you win!

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Thank you all sooooo much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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