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RQ: I need another HQ pic of this ARTPOP shoot


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Hey! I'm changing the design of my Gaga fansite, i want to use as theme the ARTPOP photoshoot pics, and use new colors, banners, etc.

Probably a lot of people who went to the artRave bought this I&V shirt: https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000092073257-t7wr12-t300x300.jpg?e76cf77, i'm asking for someone who toke a better quality pic with his mobile, or scanned it (I would prefer to use an HQ scan tho, its easier to edit/enhace it)

Does someone has a better quality pic/scan of this? Inb4 thanks :) <3

Julia Volkova #1 stan
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I don't want this picture sorry :/ i need a hq one :S

Julia Volkova #1 stan
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