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Do What U Want Video Snippet Released


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Please Gaga, you need to let this leak in full :giveup:

TMZ said they have the full video, so it's only a matter of time. I'm sure the preview was just for a bit of initial hype.

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TMZ said they have the full video, so it's only a matter of time. I'm sure the preview was just for a bit of initial hype.

omg yaaaaaaas :giveup:


Don't let us down TMZ

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it would have got blocked fast tho

yes but still would've gone viral... People would be looking for it everywhere etc..  It's more controversial than Miley's performance, and that is GAGA that everyone knows she is controversial ... like even I got shocked when I watched it :X  I kind of like it, but at the same time I am kind of dissapointed because it really reminds of Miley, and Miley was inspired by Gaga in the first place so why would Gaga go down to that :giveup:   And I am more scared of the R Kelly/T R  backlash, than the s-x controversy itself ...

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Someone gave it to TMZ someone that had a copie of the video maybe the editing team

Do this is probably the most were gonna get of the video unless TMZ has the rest of it! :popcorn:

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All of the sudden she's making people talk about her again.


With a 30 second-long leak.


What a goddess.

mte  :legend:

the scars on my mind are on replay.
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Omg, this looks kind of ridic.


I can understand her not being proud of this, lol... but curiosity makes me still want to see it :3

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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yes but still would've gone viral... People would be looking for it everywhere etc..  It's more controversial than Miley's performance, and that is GAGA that everyone knows she is controversial ... like even I got shocked when I watched it :X  I kind of like it, but at the same time I am kind of dissapointed because it really reminds of Miley, and Miley was inspired by Gaga in the first place so why would Gaga go down to that :giveup:   And I am more scared of the R Kelly/T R  backlash, than the s-x controversy itself ...

yeah, I don't the idea of having R. Kelly and Terry Richarson on this.

I don't mind at all the rest

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Let's be serious, if it was a regular leak, would GGD be promoting it/have it in news and not just remove it like every single other Gaga leak?


This has to be Gaga or her team behind this.

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