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Answer this question honestly


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That J

In ALL honesty if I could have more than enough bling but never be able to hear music again or discuss music or think of music....I'd say screw the bling. Music surrounds me 24/7 so I'd say music not the bling (a). But yea lets have both lol

The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw
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Gaga is Life

If we don't focus on making awesome music then my passion for music is all a bit redundant really. Music is music, it's there to make us feel. The 'bling' is important too it would be so amazing if Gaga were to once again rule the world world world. But the music is the first reason why I'm here.


why cant we have both tho ?  :shrug:

Best thing I've read on GGD that isn't funny :tea:

(Apart from dates :teehee:)

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Dr Rogoe

I love, love, love when Gaga gets no.1 records, but if I only wanted no.1 records then I'd stan for Katy Perry (simply meaning she is very successful, but her music isn't my favourite :) )

:trootea: this tbh. At this point, fuk Charts and Sales, I just want the killer videos and kick ass fashion

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I think anyone loves it when gaga does well in the charts! 


But ofc I chose the music, I mean I can't live without gaga music  :blehga:

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Honey Boo Boo

Of course I love the bling more than music, music isn't my whole life. :hor:


Unless you were asking that to know our stance on Gaga's music. :awkney:

A dolla makes me holla!💰💵💸
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Music is the most important to me...
The bling isn't unimportant tho... If an album sells well, that means a bigger tour production, better music videos, etc.

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Pain of fame1

I'd rather have 5 Gaga albums performing poorly than 1 album performing like 21.


So, music for me  :yes:

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We are happy when she get a no.1 hit because it's easyer to deal with haters :P

"Just because you know my name, doesn't mean you know my game"
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Born To Slay

I love the music that Gaga has released this era

That being said, if she wants funding for high budget stuff, she has to keep making money

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