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Filler songs on Gaga's albums


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It's unrealistic to try and argue that there are NO filler songs.

Despite being my favorite song of hers, Monster is CLEARLY a filler song in the most strict definition of the term.

It's the title track. :awkney:

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Cody Draco

I feel like The Fame, Money Honey, Telephone, Teeth, and Donatella are fillers. :emma:

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There's a few filler songs in ARTPOP tbh.

Imo, they are the following:

1. Swine

2. Fashion!

3. Donatella

She performed a whole concert centered around Swine. It's clearly not a filler..

Some people don't know what fillers are. Gaga said she writes 70+ songs for each album, so I don't think she actually has any fillers (fillers= songs added to the album to make the album longer/fill a space)

I feel like The Fame, Money Honey, Telephone, Teeth, and Donatella are fillers. :emma:

One of those is its album's title track, and one is a hit single..

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Cody Draco

To Gag3, my computer won't let me quote, but I'm sure you are lurking this thread and will see this.


Just because it is a title track doesn't mean it isn't a filler. That is the worst argument I have ever seen. For all we know the concept of the album is The Fame and she wrote that song just to drive the concept home.


Telephone was written for Britney Spears not The Fame Monster. Just because it was a hit single doesn't mean it isn't a filler. I personally feel like Telephone belonged on The Fame, but that is just my opinion. Everyone is allowed to have opinions, so I don't see why you are hopping on people. This thread is about what songs people think are fillers. There is no need for you to express a million times that you feel like there are no fillers on any of Gaga's albums. One stand-alone post from you without quoting someone else would suffice. :reductive:

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Girl Under You

Filler songs are the songs that will never ever be singles or get any type of promotion. So "swine" is not a filler song but fashion! and donatella are since they are random and they give me the fame teass


Is G.U.Y. a filler?!? :udidnt:

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To my understanding, a filler is a song which does not fit with the theme of the album, but is there anyway. It does not mean that the song is bad, just it doesn't fit the theme. For example, I do find You and I to be a filler on Born This Way, but it does not make the song any bad, it's just not 'in theme' with the whole 'accept yourself'.

With ARTPOP it is a bit more complicated, since it is hard to find a 'theme'.

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There's a few filler songs in ARTPOP tbh.

Imo, they are the following:

1. Swine

2. Fashion!

3. Donatella

Swine has such a fun message, but the album version just blows. It sounds like an early cut of it and the beat break is so weak, i just listen to the loseless live versions tbh  

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Cody Draco

Definition of "filler songs" taken straight form Urban Dictionary. :teehee:


"Filler songs will never be on a greatest hits record down the road. Not even as a joke."


Gaga has plenty of these and so do all artists, just because it is filler doesn't mean it is necessarily bad. Technically speaking Telephone isn't a filler because it is one of her chart hits. So Chart Monsters rejoice. Too bad for G.U.Y  :fan:

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Definition of "filler songs" taken straight form Urban Dictionary. :teehee:

"Filler songs will never be on a greatest hits record down the road. Not even as a joke.

Gaga has plenty of these and so do all artists, just because it is filler doesn't mean it is necessarily bad. Technically speaking Telephone isn't a filler because it is one of her chart hits. So Chart Monsters rejoice. Too bad for G.U.Y :fan:

Yeah cause Urban Dictionary is sooo reliable :smh:
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To my understanding, a filler is a song which does not fit with the theme of the album, but is there anyway. It does not mean that the song is bad, just it doesn't fit the theme. For example, I do find You and I to be a filler on Born This Way, but it does not make the song any bad, it's just not 'in theme' with the whole 'accept yourself'.

This! I've always thought that a filler track was either 1. An song which doesn't fit the album but is just there because maybe the artist just likes the song (Y&I) 2. A song which is made to make the record longer (DH).

I've always thought "Yoü and I is such a great song :music:... But what does it have to do with BTW? :huh:?"

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I think the only album will filler tracks is The Fame.. and that was because she had to pick some of the songs she worked on before for her debut album. Maybe these are not "fillers", because she actually worked hard on these. But, for example, songs like Retro Dance Freak, I Like It Rough, etc. are just songs that don't really stand out and that she probably added because they kind of fit the theme or music of what she was doing at the moment.


There may be other songs that people call fillers like "Again Again" but that song was released on the first edition of the album, then re-released as a bonus track, and to me, it's one of my favorite songs from that album, I love it.. just like other people love Summerboy, Disco Heaven, etc. I wonder what would've happened if she also released Vanity, Fashion and Glitter & Grease. Those songs kind of fit the theme of the album, but are not that good in quality, they sound very repetitive and bubblegum.


I think that's the only album that COULD have filler tracks. Born This Way is a piece of work that Gaga worked really hard for, I don't care if people don't like Americano, Fashion of His Love, Bad Kids, etc.. those songs are there for a reason and Gaga worked REALLY hard on the production of those songs, she didn't just decide to add them at last minute for the hell of it.


As for ARTPOP, we know there are a lot of people who dislike Jewels N' Drugs, but it's far from being a filler track, just look at the producers and the collaborations.. it's actually a big song. Donatella as well, it may have Zedd's instrumental but they worked hard on it and look at how many songs didn't make the cut (Temple, Brooklyn Nights, etc.) and Donatella did.

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