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No Doubt/Gwen Stefani


What is your favorite No Doubt album?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Best No Doubt album?

    • No Doubt
    • The Beacon Street Collection
    • Tragic Kingdom
    • Return of Saturn
    • Rock Steady
    • Push and Shove

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I didn't mind Making Out (especially since William Orbit produced it). I'm kind of disappointed in Heaven with the part after the chorus with the ooo's. I just hope the producers didn't eff it up.

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Their album isn't very good. I heard the snippets on itunes. The majority of it sounds like variations of "Early Winter" and "Wonderful Life" off The Sweet Escape. Which isn't awful but its No Doubt. Its kind of lackluster :(

My expectations weren't like astronomical but I was expecting something with more spunk, not like beige mid-tempo pop songs. :confuse:

I'm kind of disappointed too. :(

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Kermit the frog

Their album isn't very good. I heard the snippets on itunes. The majority of it sounds like variations of "Early Winter" and "Wonderful Life" off The Sweet Escape. Which isn't awful but its No Doubt. Its kind of lackluster :(

My expectations weren't like astronomical but I was expecting something with more spunk, not like beige mid-tempo pop songs. :confuse:

My thoughts exactly.

I don't see anything epic/energetic on this album.

Not that I was expecting Sunday morning 2.0 or another New, but this album (so far) feels more like a rly good Gwen Stefani album, not No doubt (maybe except 2 singles). :(

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I think the attitude is WAY more No Doubt than Gwen Stefani. Her pop albums were really club and urban-oriented. Very abrasive and in your face.

To me, the one Gwen song that's been a real clue to what it seems was the genesis for this album is "Cool," which is fine with me, because Cool might be the single best pop record since 2000--it's that stellar. For me, these songs are all about the texture. Like, I'm just going by the snippets, but you listen to One More Summer, and Easy, and Dreaming the Same Dream, and admittedly there's nothing outrageous or experimental here, but there is just such stunning attention to detail in the production, and the instrumentation and melodies are just so liquidy and ethereal. They keep talking about how they were very specifically channeling 80's one hit wonders, and trying to create "prom music," and trying to capture the feel of a John Hughes movie, and, by God, if the snippets are any indication, they've absolutely done that--created an album that plays like a snapshot in time. I think these sound like they have the potential to be some of the most nostalgic and evocative pop songs I've heard in FOR.EV.ER. That's why I'm flipping out for this album. It just sounds like such a perfectly crafted little mood piece.

And it helps that I already know 2 of the songs are, honestly, the two best mainstream pop songs released this year (which has mostly been dreadfully boring).

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One Five Ten

My thoughts exactly.

I don't see anything epic/energetic on this album.

Not that I was expecting Sunday morning 2.0 or another New, but this album (so far) feels more like a rly good Gwen Stefani album, not No doubt (maybe except 2 singles). :(

Settle Down and Push and Shove alone make the album one of the most epic and energetic pop albums of the year :legend: :legend:

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We should be within 24 hours of the UK stream. Which means leaks. are. imminent.


Is this the iTunes UK you're talking about?

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Yeah. If I understand correctly, people were expecting it to go up at midnight tonight (depending on how quick itunes is). Don't know if it actually will or not, though. But I'm hoping!

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