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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Have you lost your enthusiasm for your artrave show?


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What exactly was the difference in the first show of BTWB vs. the ones like a month later? Did she change things up or?

She changed A LOT of things. Song arrangement, constumes, speeches...

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I have lost some enthusiasm, but to be completely honest I was not expecting The Best Tour Ever because this era as a whole has been plagued by disappointments - for me, at least. Still, I was sort of hoping that she would pull it together for tour - the stage was flawless and the TechHAUS creations she previewed at the Album Release artRave in New York suggested this show was going to be a breakthrough in music, fashion and technology: ARTPOP.


I think she got things wrong from the get-go, personally. ARTPOP is my favourite song on the album, but I don't like it as an opening number. It should logically be Aura, but Venus would also make a great opener. As a whole, I am very dissatisfied with the setlist. It's the basics, really: Aura should have opened, Applause should have closed. Songs of similar genres or messages should have been grouped together to allow the fashion and visuals to be coherent. It has no logical order and no storyline to tie it all together.   I know people are arguing that "IT'S A TOUR NOT A PLAY!!!", but this isn't any tour. Gaga is known for her stories and intricate shows and personally this just didn't deliver.


I thought the fashion was at some times great and at others terrible. Whilst none of the outfits were particularly 'bad', most of them were bland. Worst of all was the green wig and black latex combo, in my opinion, as it simply did not fit the songs - most notably 'Aura' (no mask? Really?) and 'Alejandro'. That said, I really loved the Koons Ball Harpy outfit for ARTPOP, the Rubber Tentacle Dress for Paparazzi, the Rave Girl outfit and the Gypsy Dress. These were all very interesting and 'ARTPOP'; a stark contrast to the blandness of other outfits she wore, which look like we've seen them a thousand times before.


I was also just generally disappointed with the shows content. There were few props (the chairs in Mary Jane Holland do not count). After all the rantings about technology this era, I was thoroughly disappointed with the lack of tech and props. However, the lighting was really, really good - I was very impressed with the decisions they made here. And the seashell/marijuana confetti was a cute touch, but not enough for me to be wowed. When you have seen Gaga battle a giant Fame Monster, transform into a motorcycle and glide around the stage like a ghost, it is certainly hard to be impressed by the content of the artRave. Perhaps this was most disappointing for Mary Jane Holland. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we really expected something amazing for this song, perhaps with an onstage transformation into 'her brunette'. Instead, we got a poorly-rehearsed routine with some chairs. I think the same goes for Swine; it should have been much earlier in the show and neither of the songs should have been cut down, if 'rave' is the vibe Gaga wants to capture.


So yes, whilst I have lost some enthusiasm for the show, I am sure I will still have a good time. I'll be with my best friend and we're staying in a hotel overnight, so it will be a cute adventure for us both. To exist in the moment with her for 'ARTPOP' (which is 'our song') will be really enjoyable, thought I sort of feel it will be hard to do this when we are caught up in the hype of the show starting. I really wish ARTPOP would be later in the show!


I am very fortunate in that I was able to go to Swinefest at the iTunes Festival, which was flawless, so I don't feel too hard-done by in that I still got to see an awesome show that met Gaga's high standards for this album. 


Please, ignore the haters in this thread. Everyone is entitled to have and share their opinions. 

I agree 100 %


And yeah, it's a concert not a play, but one of the reason I got into Gaga to begin with and what she has been so well known for is the fact she was bringing theatrics back to music.


Like I said in a previous post, her performances leading up to the tour at shows such as Swinefest, ARTRAVE, the Christmas show etc... were all better. 


I'm still looking forward to the show don't get me wrong, but I'm actually looking forward to the next tour after this even more. 

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These rants about the set list are SO superficial. I can't even :deadbanana:

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So there was a piano? Or just a keytar with some electric sounds?

Piano is beside ARTPOP Zone

To the person who reacted rudely and said I should sell so that someone more deserving could have them. I have been a loyal fan for years. Proved my loyalty by queuing up in minus zero degrees. I do enjoy a good show, that's the whole point! *rolls eyes*

I didn't say you're not a loyal fan, I said they'd go to someone who knows what a good show is and if you think artRave is **** all I'm implying is that you don't know what a good show is. God why does everyone have to be so dramatic and twist words because I didn't say what you wanted me to say.

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I would NEVER turn down the opportunity to see Gaga live.


Be it artRAVE, be it a small random bar, be it Mercury.


It's Gaga ffs, if you don't like the concept, enjoy her showmanship.

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Allison M


There really isn't a bad spot in GA because she uses the whole stage throughout the entire show! It's a huge Gaga party!

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Of course not!

Everything went perfect; the lights, the setlist is amazing. And it's so good to see Gaga live :legend:

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Yes. It was empty and boring, just weak. And the use of backing track is outrageous this time.

Having said that, I think Ill probably cry of happiness and scream like a lil b---h when I see her so Im not worried.


That's EXACTLY what I though about the BTWB when all I saw were videos of it on youtube lol


BUT once you're there, it gets MAGICAL. And this rave atmosphere is really to my liking, so, I am expecting to have a blast :flutter:

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I was hoping for some really cool futuristic outfits like the Haus showed us back in November.

Are there pictures of these? Kind of sounds like what she wore for artRave 1.0.

I'm loving what I've seen so far, anyway.

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Piano is beside ARTPOP Zone

I didn't say you're not a loyal fan, I said they'd go to someone who knows what a good show is and if you think artRave is **** all I'm implying is that you don't know what a good show is. God why does everyone have to be so dramatic and twist words because I didn't say what you wanted me to say.

I know you are implying that I don't know what a good show is. Which is a stupid statement to make. What I was trying to say in my last post was that I have been to her previous shows so how can I not know what a good show is!!!?? Make your words clearer if you don't want them "twisted", which they weren't. You think I twisted them because I didn't like what you said. What an obnoxious child you are.

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Are you kidding?! I am even more hyped than before! 

Anyone claiming to be disappointed or let down needs to sit down, it's the first show of the tour and you're watching it from instagram and youtube videos (which NEVER do any live performance justice) and making statements about it being awful and having no plot. Uhh, you didn't see the whole thing from beginning to end so how the hell would you know?


This fanbase, I swear. Just let the woman be happy and have fun, it's not all about your selfish asses. 


I can't wait for my show in July (even though some things will obviously have changed by then). I'm gonna dance my ass off until I can't move anymore!

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I'm pissed about the Swine shortening and that black latex outfit/ green wig, but that's it for now from what I've seen

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