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The Sims 2 Thread


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Building houses was the best. Thanks to motherlode :hor:

Glad I got the complete collection for free baxk in August

It was July, ya basic!

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Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster Tears

These are the black tears Gaga had on the alternative cover for the Fame Monster EP. They appear in Makeup, under Eyeliner.




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Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster Tears

These are the black tears Gaga had on the alternative cover for the Fame Monster EP. They appear in Makeup, under Eyeliner.







how long does it take to make things like makeup? i've never had the patience to work on them

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how long does it take to make things like makeup? i've never had the patience to work on them

Depends. If its something like smaller makeup (the tears) it takes me like 20 mins, bigger (the Applause eye paint) would take me around 30. Full outfit retextures and things like that (the Burqa I'm making) take me more than an hour. Its different for everything, imo.

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WMHS Cheerio Uniform from Glee

This is the cheerleader outfit from Glee. The title is self explanatory. :p




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DerpGa Eyeliner

The eyeliner Gaga wears in the famous "DerpGa" picture, taken during a Born This Way album signing at Best Buy.



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Lady Gaga's Burqa

Do you wanna peak underneath the cover? Do you wanna see the girl who lives behind the burqa, behind the burqa, behind the curtain, behind the aura?



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Lady Gaga's Burqa

Do you wanna peak underneath the cover? Do you wanna see the girl who lives behind the burqa, behind the burqa, behind the curtain, behind the aura?




my tru talent

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