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DL+SC: Lady Gaga Concept Record - Ҡ" by ChazMcKinney


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Joe Matthews

To post the soundcloud player you click "Special BBC code", then choose "Media" and copy the URL into the little box thingy ;)

EDIT: But I'm actually listening to it right now and the intro is giving me chills :legend:

It won’t let me actually post the player for some reason; just follow the URL and it should work.

Are you doing it right?


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Are you doing it right?


I did just what you said

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OMG. Can you give us a downloadlink for the FULL version? In ONE .mp3 file like the Soundcloud one? :excited2:

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Bad Kids


And when you say my name, like white horses on the waves, I think it feels the same, as an ocean in my veins.
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Joe Matthews

I love that you incorporated Out Of Control and Luvusum!! It's really an amazing mix :music2:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very very nice. Moving to my Audio section :lala:

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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OMG, CHILLS ALL OVER MY BODY. WHEN IT GOES FROM THE "I DIDN'T USE TO BE BRAVE" SPEECH TO THE QUEEN. OMG. :cry: "But tonight, I'm gonna be brave for you.." and then the bells starts. DEATH. Overreacting over here.

OMFG ME TOO! I had goosebumps!!! It sounds like it would at the BTWB! Shame the applause didn't last longer.

Also the brave speech is in the thing twice... works better the 2nd time.

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