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L'Opéra où la Musique Devient Gaga


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(The Opera Where the Music Goes Gaga)


Holy ****. Slayne. Amazing megamix. It's supposed to be like a giant opera. I love it.

DL: soundcloud.com/hausofglitch/sets/gagaopera/

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Can anyone upload this to mediafire? Audio format, please?

The link at the cloud only lets you download a small portion. :confuse:

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For what I listen I'm not really a fan to be honest....why do they call this opera?

Sur le sable sur la neige, Sur les images dorées,Sur le front de mes amis, J’écris ton nom
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Took me a whole day to go though this.

It's amazing! But all that glitch-ing can become exhausting after a while....

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