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Thoughts on the bulimia criticism


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are you serious? like. this post is just making me ****ing sad now. this is rock bottom as far as stanning goes.







What is your problem with my post? We dont even know if those guys really vomited in their pics, and even if they did, will your superior above the average, not stan biased expert mature mind explain to me, how does the performance inspire bulimia? and how Paparazzi 2009 VMAs didnt inspire suicide and self harming? tell me how watching someone vomit inspires bulimia? but vomit in comedy has been allowed for decades? and finally, tell me how are these fans bulimic now?

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Willy Wonka





What is your problem with my post? We dont even know if those guys really vomited in their pics, and even if they did, will your superior above the average, not stan biased expert mature mind explain to me, how does the performance inspire bulimia? and how Paparazzi 2009 VMAs didnt inspire suicide and self harming? tell me how watching someone vomit inspires bulimia? but vomit in comedy has been allowed for decades? and finally, tell me how are these fans bulimic now?

I hope you get help. You're the kind of stan that makes everyone look bad.

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Ladey Gagz

Perez criticizing Gaga doesn't mean anything gurl :megaflop:
And write what you want say what you want about me :whitney:

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I've discussed this far too much already on another forum (starts here: http://forums.denden.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=203193&start=10025#p3966876) and I think people completely missed the point and unfairly accused Gaga of promoting something she really wasn't. A performance is a performance, Gaga and Millie are artists, and people who are influenced by famous people need 1) stronger personalities 2) people around them who know how to talk to them and 3) parents who know how to raise them. Gaga is nobody's mother, she isn't going to stop herself from expressing herself the way she wants, ESPECIALLY if there is NOTHING wrong with the stuff she does.

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that's not true. It has everything to do with Gaga.


they're posting the photos on LittleMonsters.com and they're emulating the Applause makeup / paint... They are clearly copying & emulating Gaga to get attention. 

how's that Gaga's fault? If they are not smart enough to understand what's right or wrong they should leave the internet. Where's those guys' parents? Why aren't they monitoring what they do?

I've discussed this far too much already on another forum (starts here: http://forums.denden.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=203193&start=10025#p3966876) and I think people completely missed the point and unfairly accused Gaga of promoting something she really wasn't. A performance is a performance, Gaga and Millie are artists, and people who are influenced by famous people need 1) stronger personalities 2) people around them who know how to talk to them and 3) parents who know how to raise them. Gaga is nobody's mother, she isn't going to stop herself from expressing herself the way she wants, ESPECIALLY if there is NOTHING wrong with the stuff she does.


Kindness rules all.
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I hope you get help. You're the kind of stan that makes everyone look bad.



You cant answer my questions then? all you say is lame insults, because of a lame superiority complex


Answer my questions, here they go again:


how does the performance inspire bulimia?

and how Paparazzi 2009 VMAs didnt inspire suicide and self harming?

tell me how watching someone vomit inspires bulimia?

but vomit in comedy has been allowed for decades?

and finally, tell me how are these fans bulimic now?



why cant you answer that and just throw boring insults?

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Ladey Gagz

wtf are you talking about, im talking about the VMAs performance, she bled to death ON STAGE on a show broadcasted WORLDWIDE, how was that ok?



and ill say it again, I know bulimia, I had bulimia, and this wasnt about bulimia

it wasn't true blood, was a concept/image? :smh: the vomiting was real so you can't compare those :flop:

Stop with your 2009 vma bull**** let it go it doesn't make any sense you're comparing 2 situations that are so different :awkney:

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The fact that she was sticking her fingers down her throat to make herself puke is disgusting. It would have been more tasteful for me if she just threw up, as if she were sick or something. Not that any of it was tasteful to begin with. This whole thing in my honest opinion is Gaga thirsty for attention which makes me sad because I thought she was done seeking attention in such tasteless ways.

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The fact that she was sticking her fingers down her throat to make herself puke is disgusting. It would have been more tasteful for me if she just threw up, as if she were sick or something. Not that any of it was tasteful to begin with. This whole thing in my honest opinion is Gaga thirsty for attention which makes me sad because I thought she was done seeking attention in such tasteless ways.

I completely agree. It really has nothing to do with the song or gaga as a person or artist. It was something done to make people talk about it and that's that. People on this forum need to be a little more open minded and open to conversation. This forum was not intended for insults or bashing or people saying "gurl bye". Grow up and be a little more immature people!

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People have the right to do whatever they want with THEIR bodies imo. I think its as beautiful an art form as any other, but people are too sensitive and take offense in things that are not worth taking offense over. Also who is to judge who the "real Gaga" is? It's her life she doesn't need to justify anything.

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Willy Wonka

I've discussed this far too much already on another forum (starts here: http://forums.denden.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=203193&start=10025#p3966876) and I think people completely missed the point and unfairly accused Gaga of promoting something she really wasn't. A performance is a performance, Gaga and Millie are artists, and people who are influenced by famous people need 1) stronger personalities 2) people around them who know how to talk to them and 3) parents who know how to raise them. Gaga is nobody's mother, she isn't going to stop herself from expressing herself the way she wants, ESPECIALLY if there is NOTHING wrong with the stuff she does.

I've never bought into that bull**** line of thinking. Like, these people are the ones at risk. These people who are influenced easily are oftentimes isolated and DON'T have the support system they need to be strong. You can't place the blame on them. 

Furthermore, Gaga has put herself in a strange position with her fans. She's the one who has had bus tours about mental health and created an anti-bullying organization. She's put herself in an awkward position where she's both a role model and figurehead for being healthy but also a provocative and controversial artist who explores potentially corrupting topics and themes. You can't say that those two roles don't overlap in any way.

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Mature*** lol

I've never bought into that bull**** line of thinking. Like, these people are the ones at risk. These people who are influenced easily are oftentimes isolated and DON'T have the support system they need to be strong. You can't place the blame on them.

Furthermore, Gaga has put herself in a strange position with her fans. She's the one who has had bus tours about mental health and created an anti-bullying organization. She's put herself in an awkward position where she's both a role model and figurehead for being healthy but also a provocative and controversial artist who explores potentially corrupting topics and themes. You can't say that those two roles don't overlap in any way.

Exactly! If she was someone that never spoke out about different things such as bullying, equality, etc I wouldn't care. Bottom line is she's already began an image of caring about health and other issues so it doesn't seem right that she would do something like that. She is promoting Millie's art and while some people see that art as beautiful, art isn't anything. Do you call murders art?! Come on people

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I feel strongly that a performance art piece about the rage created by rape and other physical and emotional abuses bears out no criticism for "glorifying" bulimia. The half-naked and physically grotesque performances by Gaga and Millie inhabit the body dysmorphic merry-go-round young women are put onto in the contemporary music scene. Gaga criticizes these abuses. She is not pro-rape, pro-s-xual assault, pro-abuse of women, OR pro-bulimia. It's a critical art practice designed to express something about our culture.

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It's like if someone began cutting themselves and dripping blood on a canvas and calling it art. Art doesn't exist just because someone calls it art. Art is a form of expression, but expression shouldn't come from hurting yourself. It should come from creativity and your mind/experience. Forcing herself to vomit is affecting her health. There's no way to prevent it

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Willy Wonka

You cant answer my questions then? all you say is lame insults, because of a lame superiority complex


Answer my questions, here they go again:


how does the performance inspire bulimia?

and how Paparazzi 2009 VMAs didnt inspire suicide and self harming?

tell me how watching someone vomit inspires bulimia?

but vomit in comedy has been allowed for decades?

and finally, tell me how are these fans bulimic now?



why cant you answer that and just throw boring insults?

it has nothing to do with a superiority complex. anyone who knows me knows that i have a deep hatred for superiority complexes, but that's besides the point.

i'm just not going to waste my time engaging in a dialogue when you're clearly not attempting to be or open to being an objective and critical observer.

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