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Gawker criticizes the BTW foundation


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I would think that spending so much on social media and research is reasonable for a charity that has a very idea-based goal, but I want an explanation for that "other" expense if it's true. It also seems fishy to me that this is popping up right when Gaga is about to perform in dedication to the BTWF.Ā 

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"but the woman has basically made a career out of showing off tacky accessories." pretty harsh. and that's a personal attack, not just one towards the charity.Ā 


This. A totally biased article.


Haters believe the info they want to believe. There's this popular TV show in France where they always make fun of Gaga, and they used Examiner articles as sources... The worse is that the got away with it.

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Andy McQueen

Why should we believe that this blog is accurate? Anyone can make fake stuff up these days.Ā 

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Given it's about 24 hours now before she goes onstage in the name of the Born This Way Foundation, her team REALLY REALLY REALLY needs to counter these claims. If the numbers are fake, prove it. If they're real, come up with the explanations and the messaging.


This is incredibly damaging and will only continue to spread, so they need to take this seriously. People have their dopey opinions on pop stars, but when money is involved, it starts to matter.


A few hours ago:


However, a spokesperson for the organization insists all costs were necessary, telling the New York Post, "Every dollar spent across these categories, including the legal fees towards the safe and effective implementation of each initiative, directly serves the Born This Way Foundation's core mission of empowering youth."



Don't think that will be enough.

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A similar article appeared on the daily mail website earlier today, we all know they're not the best publications but a lot of people do read and believe everything written in them. I hope it doesn't hurt Gaga and the foundations efforts. :(

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I would think that spending so much on social media and research is reasonable for a charity that has a very idea-based goal, but I want an explanation for that "other" expense if it's true. It also seems fishy to me that this is popping up right when Gaga is about to perform in dedication to the BTWF.Ā 

Yes, it is and Roger Friedman started it all. He is basically a smear publicist for hire. Who is behind it...IDK?

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Everybody should get off her D, already


Poor girl 4vdmbUu.gif


It's not nsfw, right? :flop:

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This is a totally lame and biased article, ending with snarky "tacky accessories" comment. However, as one who has given money to the BTWF, I have never really been sure of all of the initiatives that the foundation has been doing from the beginning. Unless I missed it, I've not seen an annual "here's what we did this year, and here's what we are working on for next year" kind of report from Cynthia. I think now is the time for them to start this. Cynthia needs to come out and aggressively detail what they are doing and WHY it isn't about giving money away.

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This. Every ****ing day it's something else.

^ there is no better way of saying that. Lol!!! <3

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Hope her management clears things up.

This kind of gossip can do real damage. Look at the damage that Angela trollb---h did with her blog article about Interscope losing millions due to "Artflop". Even though her label refuted it that article is STILL being quoted in global media (both trash AND reputable)!

If that funds breakdown is accurate then there is something seriously wrong and someone is making megabucks out of Gaga's foundation. It's obviously not our multi-millionaire Gaga, - so who IS the "other" and why ARE the legal costs so high???

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The BTWF was never marketed as a charity... A NPO doesn't equate to a charity... But it's the American media, they're mostly stupid...

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Because a large part of Gaga's most active online fans are mostly teens that want to talk about how their Queens are slaying, endlessly discuss what their faves are wearing, or have Diva fights at places like ATRL. They don't spend significant time or energy on anything outside of arguments over which Pop girl is the best.


So basically they'd rather not actually be proud of a popstar instead of slayage?Ā 


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