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Should Gaga give more attention to trans* people?


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Willy Wonka

I'm sorry that you're so cynical that you think loving relationships are a "class" specific thing...

Another thing as well: I didn't call you ignorant or uneducated. I called what you were posting ignorant and uneducated. Hopefully that is accurate, because I rather believe that you just are unaware of the protection that marriage alone provides, rather than actually knowing them and being stupid enough to look over them. I gave your post the benefit of the doubt really. But I would ever jump to the conclusion that you as a whole person are ignorant or uneducated from one post, because this is just one topic. Additionally, a person can say something ignorant and dumb without that person being considered ignorant and dumb; we all make mistakes. 

Again, I highly suggest you just at least Google the benefits of state and federal recognized marriage, because it is so, so much more than the government giving you permission to do so. 

Lastly on the subject of Gaga specifically, the main goal of any civil rights movement is to get the government to classify a minority as a protected group. Period. That was the case in the civil rights movement for African Americans too. This won't fix all of the problems that such a minority will face though, but single handedly it is the biggest action in gaining sweeping rights. The best way to push for getting a minority, and specifically the LGBT community, recognized as a protected group? Visibility. By far. Gaga still does that more than anyone else in the entire world. Even if she doesn't say anything, universally she is seen as a symbol for LGBT pride. My OP was to say that instead of trying to stand out even more and distinguish yourself from the LGB part of the community, rise and gain respect with it.

Now please go Google the benefits of state and federally recognized marriage.

oh yes because no one is in a loving relationship without recognition of the state, right? don't be daft.


Did you even read my articles? Of course, gay marriage is important. Great. Have fun getting married. BUT IN THE MEAN TIME the campaign for marriage equality has taken vital resources away from campaigns, programs, and organizations with greater importance- like housing for LGBT teens thrown on the street and AIDS organizations. 

Of course there are rights attached to marriage. But they only seek to help those who already have the resources. Do you not get that? The kids thrown on the street and the people who need help receiving AZT could not give a shiit about gay marriage. Marriage equality benefits the LGBTQA people who are NOT dealing with poverty, homelessness, crippling d--g addiction, hate-fueled violence, AIDS... all things that are EXTREMELY common in the LGBTQA community.


Once again, go back and read my response about gay marriage. Actually read the articles. Read the words of actual educated scholars, complete with evidence. You have a basic, unchallenged viewpoint that has been cultured by mainstream LGBTQA groups, funded by the wealthiest gays in order to secure the rights that are important to THEM, rather than vital to the community.


Let me leave you with another quote that points out your arrogance:



Some suggest that gay marriage is part of a progress narrative and that it is a step in the right direction towards more expansive social justice issues. This largely ignores a critique of power. Once privilege is doled out to middle class gay couples, are they going to continue on to fight against racist immigration policies, for universal health care, for comprehensive queer/trans inclusive s-x education, or to free queers unjustly imprisoned during rabidly homophobic s-x-abuse witch hunts? Doubtful is an overstatement. It's more likely they will be enjoying summer vacations at an expensive bed and breakfast in Ogunquit while the rest of us are still trying to access basic rights like health care and freedom of movement. Let's be real: Privilege breeds complacency.

SOURCE: http://www.bilerico.com/2009/11/against_equality_in_maine_and_everywhere.php

I don't understand why you don't understand the value of marriage equality as a stepping stone. If society can't even understand same-s-x marriage, how can they even begin to understand concepts that are even more foreign to our heteronormative society (trans people, gender fluid people etc etc)?


Go back to the last page of the thread and read my articles I linked to. Marriage equality is a classist issue that only benefits the middle class and wealthier.


But I'll leave you with the same quote:


Some suggest that gay marriage is part of a progress narrative and that it is a step in the right direction towards more expansive social justice issues. This largely ignores a critique of power. Once privilege is doled out to middle class gay couples, are they going to continue on to fight against racist immigration policies, for universal health care, for comprehensive queer/trans inclusive s-x education, or to free queers unjustly imprisoned during rabidly homophobic s-x-abuse witch hunts? Doubtful is an overstatement. It's more likely they will be enjoying summer vacations at an expensive bed and breakfast in Ogunquit while the rest of us are still trying to access basic rights like health care and freedom of movement. Let's be real: Privilege breeds complacency.

SOURCE: http://www.bilerico.com/2009/11/against_equality_in_maine_and_everywhere.php

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oh yes because no one is in a loving relationship without recognition of the state, right? don't be daft.


Did you even read my articles? Of course, gay marriage is important. Great. Have fun getting married. BUT IN THE MEAN TIME the campaign for marriage equality has taken vital resources away from campaigns, programs, and organizations with greater importance- like housing for LGBT teens thrown on the street and AIDS organizations. 

Of course there are rights attached to marriage. But they only seek to help those who already have the resources. Do you not get that? The kids thrown on the street and the people who need help receiving AZT could not give a shiit about gay marriage. Marriage equality benefits the LGBTQA people who are NOT dealing with poverty, homelessness, crippling d--g addiction, hate-fueled violence, AIDS... all things that are EXTREMELY common in the LGBTQA community.


Once again, go back and read my response about gay marriage. Actually read the articles. Read the words of actual educated scholars, complete with evidence. You have a basic, unchallenged viewpoint that has been cultured by mainstream LGBTQA groups, funded by the wealthiest gays in order to secure the rights that are important to THEM, rather than vital to the community.


Let me leave you with another quote that points out your arrogance:

SOURCE: http://www.bilerico.com/2009/11/against_equality_in_maine_and_everywhere.php


Go back to the last page of the thread and read my articles I linked to. Marriage equality is a classist issue that only benefits the middle class and wealthier.


But I'll leave you with the same quote:

SOURCE: http://www.bilerico.com/2009/11/against_equality_in_maine_and_everywhere.php

Marriage. Is. More. Than. The. Government. Acknowledging. A. Relationship!!!

It's very frustrating that you don't get that. The ONLY WAY a family can be fully protected under the law is though marriage! That sounds dramatic, because it is! And Its 100% true. If the parents of a family are not marriage at a state and federal level, they are not legally protected!!! Even if they are heteros-xual couples and have biological kids! Under the law they are strangers! Civil unions don't even come close to providing the sea of protection and tax break and shared healthcare that marriage provides! And in every state that bars same-s-x marriage, they do so by establishing marriage as the only relationship that the law will recognize. So say goodbye to legal unions!

Touching on the topics of healthcare and protection/sheltering of minors: there is a HUGE push for both in the US right now! They are not orientation specific at all and won't soon be forgotten issues. And most of the other topics that you mentioned that don't fall into those two categories, the government doesn't have any control over or are extremely non-lgbt specific or exclusive. What needs to be happening is promoting MUCH more self responsibility to the LGBT community because the government does not have the responsibility to be sympathetic towards people and hand out money willy-nilly. We want equal treatment, not special treatment! In fact, if someone wanted to give me special treatment for my orientation I'd tell them to screw off! I'm a strong person, I don't need sympathy from the government to help me overcome my adversities. Not saying that I don't ask for help every once in a while, but I'd be so offended if I received special treatment because what that really means is "you're not strong enough to take care of yourself because you're gay". This includes any adversity brought onto oneself as well. HIV/STD positive, d--g addiction, ext. are things that only you are responsible for. I shouldn't have to pay my money in taxes to fix someone else's mistake. If that doesn't jig you, move to a socialist European country where they will take care of everyone with your hard earned money. I hear France is lovely this time of year. But here in the US we have something called capitalism. 

Also, I don't know why you have such a bizarre fear of more wealthy LGBT people! Can you point to one piece of evidence that could possibly make you believe that people better off in a minority abandon their own when they achieve one single right???

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It's a joke of an issue compared to the life-threatening actual issues that affect the LGBTQA population. Plus, funding for marriage equality has drained funding from campaigns fighting to actually save the lives of LGBTQA people.

I'm cackling.

Here's the thing: If you would have asked me to clarify, I gladly would've. And I would've done so politely. But you rushing in on your Tumblr-social-justice-warrior high horse and asserting that I'm ignorant and uneducated... Hahahaha.

No, I'm just too educated to buy into the bullshiit that is "marriage equality". Do you not see the privilege and arrogance in your statements? Hahaha. Jesus Christ. "Marriage inequality is a huge issue facing most people in the lgbt community." Maybe in your naive state of mind, yes. You seem to think all gays are the wealthy, fabulous gays they show on TV. That's not reality. Marriage equality is nothing but a classist issue. You, my dear, show your own ignorance.

Please, before you throw around laughable and shallow accusations, actually think about what you're saying.

Let's start your education now, shall we?

SOURCE: http://www.bilerico.com/2009/11/against_equality_in_maine_and_everywhere.php


SOURCE: http://www.yasminnair.net/content/why-i-won%E2%80%99t-come-out-national-coming-out-day-9-october-2008

Extra Reading: http://www.yasminnair.net/content/gay-marriages-economic-underside

Omg all of this.

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The WORLD needs to give more attention to trans* people. Gaga being more outspoken about it would definitely bring more awareness :yes:

#BlackLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter - You let down members of the community and forced us out.
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Marriage. Is. More. Than. The. Government. Acknowledging. A. Relationship!!!

It's very frustrating that you don't get that. The ONLY WAY a family can be fully protected under the law is though marriage! That sounds dramatic, because it is! And Its 100% true. If the parents of a family are not marriage at a state and federal level, they are not legally protected!!! Even if they are heteros-xual couples and have biological kids! Under the law they are strangers! Civil unions don't even come close to providing the sea of protection and tax break and shared healthcare that marriage provides! And in every state that bars same-s-x marriage, they do so by establishing marriage as the only relationship that the law will recognize. So say goodbye to legal unions!

Touching on the topics of healthcare and protection/sheltering of minors: there is a HUGE push for both in the US right now! They are not orientation specific at all and won't soon be forgotten issues. And most of the other topics that you mentioned that don't fall into those two categories, the government doesn't have any control over or are extremely non-lgbt specific or exclusive. What needs to be happening is promoting MUCH more self responsibility to the LGBT community because the government does not have the responsibility to be sympathetic towards people and hand out money willy-nilly. We want equal treatment, not special treatment! In fact, if someone wanted to give me special treatment for my orientation I'd tell them to screw off! I'm a strong person, I don't need sympathy from the government to help me overcome my adversities. Not saying that I don't ask for help every once in a while, but I'd be so offended if I received special treatment because what that really means is "you're not strong enough to take care of yourself because you're gay". This includes any adversity brought onto oneself as well. HIV/STD positive, d--g addiction, ext. are things that only you are responsible for. I shouldn't have to pay my money in taxes to fix someone else's mistake. If that doesn't jig you, move to a socialist European country where they will take care of everyone with your hard earned money. I hear France is lovely this time of year. But here in the US we have something called capitalism.

Also, I don't know why you have such a bizarre fear of more wealthy LGBT people! Can you point to one piece of evidence that could possibly make you believe that people better off in a minority abandon their own when they achieve one single right???

"We have something called capitalism" um you do know you're paying into Social Security, which is socialist in design?

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She shouldn't be focusing on any specific part of her fanbase: rather, she should just consistenly address fans as simply fans. I'm straight and I fully support LGBT rights and have no issue with them, but she often leaves me cold with her constant gay preaching. Love is not specific to one gender or orientation; it transcends labels and works for everyone. So she should preach love to everyone, not just a certain orientation or two.

on target.  That was the BTW Era. And she is working hard on her BTW Foundation to this day.  I know through article readings the number one negative comment of her concerts was her long speaches of the LGBT issues.  It got old and boring.  Now they say "where are the gays supporting ARTPOP," because ARTPOP flop.  


Well, think about it.  On this site most people said they love BTW than any other era, and perhapes due to the songs BTW, and Hair.  But now we have ARTPOP and no gay songs on it.  


I guess the OP forgot about the the lyrics video of Applause.  And who actually liked it? 

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"We have something called capitalism" um you do know you're paying into Social Security, which is socialist in design?

Yes, the idea of social security is somewhat socialist by design. But in America, social security is a program that protects the elderly alone, a group of citizens that are unable to work and provide themselves with money by nature. If it was a truely socialist program it would be taking that money and distributing it to all citizens regardless if they are in a condition to work.

Despite this though, Social Security is an infinitely flawed program and either needs to be completely revamped or scratched all together. Right now, the only way social security works is solely reliant based on the assumption that there will always be more young people than old and that the rate of people being born is always significantly higher than people retiring. I don't know if you know this, but earth is set to reach carrying capacity in the next 100 years, and that's a conservative estimate.

Economics 101

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Yes, the idea of social security is somewhat socialist by design. But in America, social security is a program that protects the elderly alone, a group of citizens that are unable to work and provide themselves with money by nature. If it was a truely socialist program it would be taking that money and distributing it to all citizens regardless if they are in a condition to work.

Despite this though, Social Security is an infinitely flawed program and either needs to be completely revamped or scratched all together. Right now, the only way social security works is solely reliant based on the assumption that there will always be more young people than old and that the rate of people being born is always significantly higher than people retiring. I don't know if you know this, but earth is set to reach carrying capacity in the next 100 years, and that's a conservative estimate.

Economics 101

Oh i agree. I think it won't even be around by the time i could retire.

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She should go easy on stuff that makes her seem like a GLBT niche artist.

Do something that appeals to young females, or outsiders (nerds, bullied kids) in general.

You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

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You guys expect way too much from Gaga and keep asking for more and more.  :noparty:

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on target.  That was the BTW Era. And she is working hard on her BTW Foundation to this day.  I know through article readings the number one negative comment of her concerts was her long speaches of the LGBT issues.  It got old and boring.  Now they say "where are the gays supporting ARTPOP," because ARTPOP flop.  


Well, think about it.  On this site most people said they love BTW than any other era, and perhapes due to the songs BTW, and Hair.  But now we have ARTPOP and no gay songs on it.  


I guess the OP forgot about the the lyrics video of Applause.  And who actually liked it?

This is so extremely ignorant.

ARTPOP didn't flop. It's not like I ever changed my mind on who and what she should support throughout her career. You're acting like her LGBTQ activism is just a phase, and it isn't. Do you honestly consider the very thing that saved people's lives "old and boring"?

I didn't forget about the Applause lyric video. Those are drag performers, not trans* people.

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