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cuz all the ggders who pretend to hate kpop secretly love it. this is their only relief :legend:

Expose ha :legend:

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askdgdmfesroer Molla dgofdmgepraero hajima smserotyhjgofm saranghae sodfgdfmgrearo


The hardest one to lipsync to is this song's:





Fun Fact: The K in KPop stands for "Kate Bush"
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I still haven't downloaded that new T-ARA album :messga:


I listen to the samples on iTunes all the time but I never follow through :messga:

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The hardest one to lipsync to is this song's:






this one's the funniest to sing along to because they keep saying "dildo" :lmao:

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I still haven't downloaded that new T-ARA album :messga:


I listen to the samples on iTunes all the time but I never follow through :messga:

I haven't DL it either XD Ive been meaning to.

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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I haven't DL it either XD Ive been meaning to.

you should DL it and tell me how it is


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Remind me to never change my DP again, and post in more Gaga related threads. :coffee:

Need to become remembered again like I used to be as HyoYeon.


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Remind me to never change my DP again, and post in more Gaga related threads. :coffee:

Need to become remembered again like I used to be as HyoYeon.


Only flops don't remember any of us tbh

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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Why? Are 3 new people about to follow us? :emma:

We have like 70 followers right now :emma:


Check the Recent Topics :emma:


75 now :emma:

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How to tell if your followers are fake:


They have boobs in the backing picture. :derpga:

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How to tell if your followers are fake:


They have boobs in the backing picture. :derpga:

I saw one of those too :lmao:


We have 160 followers now. I guess we're supposed to end up with about 500. My thinking is that having a lot of followers will increase the likelihood of us being recommended to other users, thereby getting us more (real) followers who will actually interact with our content.


It could totally end up not working, but hey, it's free haha

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Where did all those followers come from? :awkney:

Fun Fact: The K in KPop stands for "Kate Bush"
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