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Maybe I'm pressed but


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That's what charities and their representatives do: they ask for money, have charity events/auctions, etc... 


I wish she would not go to her fans so much for donations, but organize something with sponsors or have an event for rich Hollywood people.

I do like it that she always offers something special in return.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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I wish she would not go to her fans so much for donations, but organize something with sponsors or have an event for rich Hollywood people.

I do like it that she always offers something special in return.

The BTW foundation has partners and sponsors. Charitable organizations can't simply rely on businesses and a few wealthy celebrities. They rely on the smaller donations from thousands of individuals who want to make a difference.


Many of Gaga's fans are adults with full time jobs, who regularly contribute to charitable organizations. Why wouldn't Gaga ask them to contribute their money to a cause she believes in?

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I think if you're a celebrity like Gaga earning millions upon millions most likely every week, it seems kind of offensive to ask for donations to a foundation you created that you preached means so much to you..... It just seems odd to me.... 

If I had that kind of money and created something that meant alot to my heart, I would fund it myself.... It's pocket change compared to how much she has and how lavish a life she lives... .

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I think if you're a celebrity like Gaga earning millions upon millions most likely every week, it seems kind of offensive to ask for donations to a foundation you created that you preached means so much to you..... It just seems odd to me.... 

If I had that kind of money and created something that meant alot to my heart, I would fund it myself.... It's pocket change compared to how much she has and how lavish a life she lives... .

I look at it a little differently.  Gaga is giving people who believe in the effort the opportunity to support it.  I am happy to do so because I feel it a worthwhile cause, and it has nothing to do with being a Gaga fan.  Cynthia makes it clear that she and Gaga created an effort much larger themselves, much larger than the two of them can handle by themselves.  She explains her and Gaga's involvement in the 3 minutes from 1:09:30 to the end:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSzlPKGoOTA

I live outside the space time continuum.
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Oh for ****s sakes.. It's a charity :toofunny: The whole point of a charity is too bring awareness and get involvement from people. If she was gonna pay for everything herself, she wouldn't have made the BTWF in the first place :sweat: Why are you mad that people are donating to a non-profit organization that helps people..?

So yes, you are just pressed :sweat:

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I think if you're a celebrity like Gaga earning millions upon millions most likely every week, it seems kind of offensive to ask for donations to a foundation you created that you preached means so much to you..... It just seems odd to me....

If I had that kind of money and created something that meant alot to my heart, I would fund it myself.... It's pocket change compared to how much she has and how lavish a life she lives... .

She probably does put money into it :toofunny: The whole point of these organizations is too bring change, but also create involvement from people. Infinite amounts of money could be put into it, and still they'd be able to find places to put it (children's shelters, homes, etc..).

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I think if you're a celebrity like Gaga earning millions upon millions most likely every week, it seems kind of offensive to ask for donations to a foundation you created that you preached means so much to you..... It just seems odd to me.... 

If I had that kind of money and created something that meant alot to my heart, I would fund it myself.... It's pocket change compared to how much she has and how lavish a life she lives... .

Do you not understand how charitable organizations work? Asking individuals to donate money and/or time is the way they all work, regardless of how many big money partners or sponsors they have. Gaga is one of the main partners in the BTWF. She has donated millions to charity and to the BTWF.


Community involvement is important in any and every organization of this kind. Gaga is giving her fans an opportunity to get involved, if they have the money and if they want to donate.


It is ALL VOLUNTARY. You don't have to donate a penny, if you don't want to!

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I'm wondering how someone with a net worth of over 200m in assets that isn't a house or liquidated still needs to depend on fan donations instead of larger organizations to sustain a small housed organization :emma:


Everything you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Do you not understand how charitable organizations work? Asking individuals to donate money and/or time is the way they all work, regardless of how many big money partners or sponsors they have. Gaga is one of the main partners in the BTWF. She has donated millions to charity and to the BTWF.


Community involvement is important in any and every organization of this kind. Gaga is giving her fans an opportunity to get involved, if they have the money and if they want to donate.


It is ALL VOLUNTARY. You don't have to donate a penny, if you don't want to!

oh, ok.... :fat: 


I didn't know that much money was needed to follow this thing.... I speak without knowledge... :laughga:

She probably does put money into it :toofunny: The whole point of these organizations is too bring change, but also create involvement from people. Infinite amounts of money could be put into it, and still they'd be able to find places to put it (children's shelters, homes, etc..).

I get it now.... :fat: 




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oh, ok.... :fat:

I didn't know that much money was needed to follow this thing.... I speak without knowledge... :laughga:

I get it now.... :fat:


It's all good! Now you know! Just remember to never doubt Mother TeresGa again :legend:

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I'd be more inclined to donate if I could actually see the benefit of the charity. The 'Brave Bus' is a bit of a joke to be honest. The only ones visiting are Stan's who are wanting to meet the Haus.

If she is going to ask for donations she needs to put them to good use.

Oh and buy Applause on iTunes. :awkney:

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it
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I'd be more inclined to donate if I could actually see the benefit of the charity. The 'Brave Bus' is a bit of a joke to be honest. The only ones visiting are Stan's who are wanting to meet the Haus.


Perhaps most visitors to the bus are not there to seek help, but If only one person is helped it is all worth it.  That one person is not a statistic, but a real person whose life can be made better or even saved.


To quote from a news article, the Bus is intended to empower youth by connecting them with on-site local, community resources including behavioral and mental health services, school psychologists, mentoring, volunteer opportunities and bullying and suicide prevention resources. While counseling will not be provided on site, youth will be directed to local professional organizations that can provide them with needed services.


The bus also spreads awareness of the issues to all that visit.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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