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Are blackouts hurting or helping Gaga?


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So was BeyoncĂƒÆ’Âš during the 4 era and she's had a top 2 and one of the most commented albums from the last six months.


WELL beyonce went on a world tour before releasing BeyoncĂƒÆ’Â©. She was also the face of Pepsi, H&M oh and had the Super Bowl show. She built the hype.

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Hurting her they always will

At this point I think she should end the ARTPOP era after the 4th single and tour.

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 music is a business, and if Gaga doesn't want to play the game she should retire.

She will play the game, but on her terms.  She will do it her way.  Many people can't understand why anybody would put art, vision, and creativity ahead of charts and sales.  I think it's refreshing to see an artist actually be the true artist rather than pander to commercial pressure.  I applaud Gaga for following her dream.  We don't need another commercial artist, we need Gaga.


I agree that the ARTPOP era was horribly executed so far.  But I think she is working hard to recover.  Personally, I think it may take something unexpected and dramatic to kick off the recovery.  Planning and executing that may take a lot of time.  Just my guess, anyway, but I am looking forward to the future and it may be great.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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She will play the game, but on her terms.  She will do it her way.  Many people can't understand why anybody would put art, vision, and creativity ahead of charts and sales.  I think it's refreshing to see an artist actually be the true artist rather than pander to commercial pressure.  I applaud Gaga for following her dream.  We don't need another commercial artist, we need Gaga.


I agree that the ARTPOP era was horribly executed so far.  But I think she is working hard to recover.  Personally, I think it may take something unexpected and dramatic to kick off the recovery.  Planning and executing that may take a lot of time.  Just my guess, anyway, but I am looking forward to the future and it may be great.


I agree with what you're saying but honestly it's not like the art, vision, and creativity in ARTPOP is earth shattering.  BTW was way more artistic, it had a moving aesthetic. ARTPOP is a commercial album, let's not try to pretend it isn't.

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They could go either way, but I think she is handling them poorly. The injury was an acceptable blackout because she needed to take her own time to recover, but all of these news one make no sense. She keeps trying to "come back" with mini-Twitter blackouts, but it isn't the same. She needs a consistent presence, then inflate it when necessary. 


A "surprise" video or single only works if there is no hype. She either needs to commit to a long blackout, or stay in the light to a consistent degree. The blackouts currently are making her look like she's hiding. I know she's busy planning a tour, a single, and new music, but it isn't helping her situation. ARTPOP is by no means a failure, but it could be more if there was some constancy in its promotion. 

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The blackouts can only help when she comes back with an explosion of promo. That didn't happen with Applause, it didn't happen with ARTPOP and now for 2014 she took a massive US TV promo spot and then went back to the shadows...


I hope GUY has a big campaign, performances and interviews and the MV ready to drop with radio deals to keep the song powering along. Otherwise bye bye era because the blackouts are just taking over...

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For me it decreases my obsession with her because it somehow feels like she's saying "**** off, I no longer care about my fans, cutting you b---hes out of my life for as long as my label will let me".


* feels, not saying my feelings are in any way rational. In fact I know they're not, but I can't help them.

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I just hope she actually is planning a lot rather than just taking time off to discover herself ... I mean it's great if she is but then she shouldn't complain that ARTPOP is flopping

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I agree with what you're saying but honestly it's not like the art, vision, and creativity in ARTPOP is earth shattering.  BTW was way more artistic, it had a moving aesthetic. ARTPOP is a commercial album, let's not try to pretend it isn't.

It's interesting that each of Gaga's eras has staunch supporters who think the music is the greatest, most creative, and even the most artistic.  So I guess it's just that people have different tastes and different opinions.


An interesting thing about art ... how do you hear art in music?  I guess most would agree that a Bach fugue is art, but what makes it art?  It is because it's complex, or difficult to compose?  Then again, all music is art by definition.  So I look for the art in ARTPOP in everything surrounding the era ... the covers, the Koons sculptures, costumes, staging, performances ... everything.  But I may be the only one who looks at things that way.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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They could go either way, but I think she is handling them poorly. The injury was an acceptable blackout because she needed to take her own time to recover, but all of these news one make no sense. She keeps trying to "come back" with mini-Twitter blackouts, but it isn't the same. She needs a consistent presence, then inflate it when necessary.

A "surprise" video or single only works if there is no hype. She either needs to commit to a long blackout, or stay in the light to a consistent degree. The blackouts currently are making her look like she's hiding. I know she's busy planning a tour, a single, and new music, but it isn't helping her situation. ARTPOP is by no means a failure, but it could be more if there was some constancy in its promotion.

I just hope now that she "got rid of the toxic people in her life" she will make smarter career choices and keep up a consistent era

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This is what gaga needs to do. She needs to start pushing her music down everyones throat like she did with JD and PF at the beginning of her career. She cant just do a few promo spots and then rely on her name to sell her music anymore like during TFM and BTW. This is basically the beginning again. Think of it as The Fame 2.0 except gaga seems to give up more easily now and have low self-esteem now. I feel like if her single doesnt do good in the beginning she just calls it quits instead of going out there and making sure the song is heard like she did in The Fame era. I think its cuz she's had success so now when she doesnt suceed she feels like a failure but whereas in TF era, she nvr had any success before so if she didnt suceed she kept trying. I think the real issue here is gaga's confidence level and drive. Hopefully through our continuous support she gains that back.




I feel like DWUW could of been such a smash hit, its super radio friendly, it's "agreeable" and besides the R Kelly controversy there was nothing really negative about it for the GP. And especially with the xtina version... I mean that would of merged two fan bases together if it had been more advertised. I never heard anyone talking about it, people didn't even know about it. For a while I was dealing with a ton of things and I wasn't paying so much attention to Gaga pre-ARTPOP and I saw Applause on the front page of youtube and had no idea she was releasing a new video. I feel like theres no hype- or at least there has been too much hype then let down in the past. I just hope Gaga gets back on her feet. She's such an amazing artist, there is no reason why she can't be slaying away :legend:

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I just hope now that she "got rid of the toxic people in her life" she will make smarter career choices and keep up a consistent era

Let's hope. I'm by no means a professional manager, or a "little manager" as people like to joke, but I'd like to think that there has been a lot of common sense not being utilized by her team in a while. Hopefully the toxic people being taken out of the equation will help. 

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There's no such thing as overexposure as a pop star. Their products are music after all, not things like gadgets. People get tired of music way faster than they do for other products.


I think Gaga, as with other pop stars, needs to keep generating new music to keep up her popularity.


Now, I'm not saying she should create music quickly just for the sake of it because quality > quantity, but less blackouts and more interaction will be much better for her.


The blackout needs to stop, and it needs to stop right now.

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