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Ongoing petition to ban Katy Perry's Dark Horse from YouTube (UPDATED)


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Well, I'm not one to be moved by religious controversy, but it shows some ignorance and sloppiness from the team behind the DH video. First of all, they should have known it's written "Allah" in Arabic on the medallion. Second, way to mix symbols for different eras, Pharaonic Egypt being around 2000 to 56 BC, but Islam spread in Egypt only in 7th century AD, when the Pharaonic period and symbols were long gone and Christianity was the main faith. Really poor job.

Edited by cannae216
"Fame Is A Boomerang" - Maria Callas
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stop defending katy and saying she didnt know about it. Its her responsibility to know whatts in her videos, in the music video editing process they watch the video frame by frame, and they look closely to EVERYTHING in the video. 

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People are trying to hard to make the video inappropriate. It's a **** video, granted, but it's anything but controvertial or intended to cause controversy... let alone offend religious groups. Honestly, the reach. :deadbanana:

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Well, I'm not one to be moved by religious controversy, but it shows some ignorance and sloppiness from the team behind the DH video. First of all, they should have known it's written "Allah" in Arabic on the medallion. Second, way to mix symbols for different eras, Pharaonic Egypt being around 2000 to 56 BC, but Islam spread in Egypt only in 7th century AD, when the Pharaonic period and symbols were long gone and Christianity was the main faith. Really poor job.

She needs to fire her team and also get a new PR team, because she's been suffering from some negative press lately :wtf:

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People are trying to hard to make the video inappropriate. It's a **** video, granted, but it's anything but controvertial or intended to cause controversy... let alone offend religious groups. Honestly, the reach. :deadbanana:

Agreed, but it just happened that the Muslims, err some of them, tend to be extremists in almost every Islam-related (arguably the most amongst all religious institutions) to a point that they've successfully presented Islam as a taboo subject within mainstream media, as garnite earlier pointed out. 

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We already have Dark Horse :derpga:

Dark Horse already filled the spot of Judas... Plus it's not a great song :derpga:

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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Well said. And also people were afraid that "Burqa" would cause trouble.. :awkney:


If it becomes a single (which I hope), it will cause trouble.... and people won't give a damn that the song actually says that the "veil is protection of the gorgeousness of my face", which is a rather understanding, positive and rare message coming from an occidental point of view. But people won't give a damn.

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not that this petition would actually do anything, but gosh the willingness to support censorship is contemptible. religions don't get to say what we can put in music videos on youtube.

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