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RQ: BTW and Monster Instrumentals made using the track stems?

J e s s e

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J e s s e

I know you're probably thinking "but we have them" but Monster and BTW  isn't as high quality as it could be. A great example is the Alejandro instrumental. The one that leaked is MQ, but when someone made the instrumental using the track stems last year, BAM we got an HQ instrumental! :) 



In case you need a DL of the stems:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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J e s s e

But, Monster leaked in HQ tho. :toofunny:


Listen to the actual song's intro then the instrumental, I hope you notice static **** in there. :coffee:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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