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Whats Better: Standing or Seating Tickets ?

Blue Jeans

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I'm 14 and I went to the btwb when i was 12 (plus i'm kinda short) and i arrived at the venue at about 2:30 in the afternoon and waited and I got into the monster pit and at times i couldn't see that well but most of the time i had a great view and gaga was right in front of me and it was amazing so i think that standing is a much more better option experience plus you'll most likely be closer to her

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Standing is the best place. I had it for all the shows that I attended. But there are some bad things:

1. WAITING, I usually go to queue in the night, horrible, your legs scream PAIN.

2. Rude people that try to steel your place in the queue. I hate them.

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I Had the worst seats for The Monster Ball, I still wasn't a for sure fan of Gaga. I wanted to go to see her cause i had heard she was great! So my parents bought me the only tickets they could find on ticket master which were nosebleeds. It was the best show, but the environment in nosebleeds sucks. Everyone sat, I wanted to stand and the people behind me were yelling at me. 


For the Born this way ball I had saved literally FOREVER! So i accumulated a lot of funds and was determined to get goooood seats. I spent $400 and scored the best seats. Seats promise a good experience and a guaranteed spot. The only problem is the people you sit around aren't huge fans.....they don't know all the songs, they usually only know the hits and some of the non hits. So me and my best friend who knew every song stood out because we would freak every time she would start the next song. I seriously got soooo many weird looks......I didn't care, i'm never gonna see those people again.


SO for arrive i broke and decided to do GA, I got LMZ and could not be more excited......im hoping for a good experience which it will be!

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I saw TMB Arena version in GA, it was amazing ever though I was surrounded by drunk people

I had GA for BTWB :emo:

I'm doing seats for artRAVE, and they are right by the stage :party:

I can' today which one is better until I experience the seats

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If I am sure that I'm going to be front row: standing.

Any other option, I'll go for seating. So I go for seating. You can go to the show without any problem, the same afternoon, your seat is waiting for you. You can wait till it starts seating, then you stan up and jump. You are comfortable. If you need water you can go, if you need to sit down you have a chair. You have no people pushing you. You can see everything at everymoment. I'm tall and I couldn't see **** at TMB (4th line standing) because you all put your f cameras up. So yeah, I always go to seating.

And you all have a wrong vision. Like, I don't spend the whole concert sitting down on my chair and clapping. I am standing up, screaming, singing, dancing, crying... and everything.

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