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Lady Gaga: Monsters Support Beliebers


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I'm so sorry, that is just awful :hug:

Thanks for hugs. It was a long time ago now, but people who drink and drive and seem to think that that's okay still make me angry and sick to my stomach

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Actually, he has been mocked about his appearance since he became famous. He got arrested and twitter is full of his photos with make up and that miley cyrus face lol. He was born this way, his appearance wasn't his choice.


As for gaga's post, maybe she's trying to say that justin is retarded and he's born this way.

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Forgive his crime is beyond ridiculous

Yes it is. But who is saying to forgive it? Nobody. Well, maybe a few extreme fans, but they are a tiny fringe, and in any case Gaga didn't say it.

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We should all follow mother monster's request and support Justin, he was BORN THIS WAY like we all were. Spread kindness and compassion and don't spread hate. Stop the dramaa star the music! Paws up little monsters

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You are one of the demons.

Most Beliebers are good people just like most Monsters are good people. There are obviously idiots in every fanbase. Don't be one of them.

I'm not one of his fans

Goodbye idiot.

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How about no? :classy:


I support people who reflect my own personal values and morals, not flashy spoiled douchebags who drive drunk and endanger lives. I also don't support "fans" who are actually rabid mindless worshipers, whether they're Beliebers or Monsters or anything else. Any Bieber fan with one ounce of sense would be going "Ok, Justin's becoming a really entitled selfish person so maybe I should stop supporting everything he does for a while until he grows up." 


Not touching anything about this situation with a 90 foot pole tbh.

My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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I don't mind Beliebers, they're just crazy teenyboppers who don't know any better. We've all been through that phase. That said, I will never support Justin himself. The kid has talent but his piss poor behavior is ruining his career.


I know Gagz is trying to promote online kindness and everything, and I'm all for leaving Beliebers alone, but asking us to support them is a bit too much. They'll outgrow their love for Bieber soon, they'll be just fine.

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"Born this way" So he was born to do DUIs? :excuseme: What a stupid thing to say.


Why would I support a bratty rich piece of DUI trash like that.

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pink sushi

I could never support Bieber's attitude and actions, but I do feel sorry for his fans. It's really rough to be a young teenager and then realize the person you worshipped and were in love with for so many years is not what you thought they were. I was obsessed with Lindsay Lohan when I was 12-13....right at the start of her downward spiral and had to go through the same thing....

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