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'ARTPOP' Receipts Thread - post all certifications here!


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I wouldn't consider it good tbh :rip: it's actually pretty bad. This means that 80% of its sales were from the first 9 weeks (considering the fact that MediaTraffic considers the last week of 2013 with the highest sales of the year as the first week of 2014)

Concidering it had no big promo, that could be worse...


Don't forget that she just has a hit (Applause), a moderate song( DWUW) and a huge flop (G.U.Y.) to help it in charts.

To sell more albums, she definitely needs a huge hit (which slays charts, Vevo and above all radios !)

She could have had this with DWUW but she f*cked it up...


I agree with everyone wanting Gypsy as 4th single to slay the charts. It definitely could be a huge hit. BUT if she releases it and gives up on it like she has done with G.U.Y. I think she doesn't need a 4th single at all.

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I'm not too disappointed with this number, she's been fairly absent for the general conscious and has had a weird promo schedule if any really at all. For her current situation this album cycle it's respectable.

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I'm so tired of Frozen. Am I the only one? People look at me like it's sacrilege when I say I don't want to hear "Let It Go" ever again. I even LOVE Idina Menzel, but the GP has made me so sick of the song.

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Bruno is kind of slaying. That album was released in 2012 and the last single that did anything was released a year ago.

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Ray of Light

That's more than I would've expected. Slay, Queen of ART and POP hybrid music sales!


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