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Did the born this way ball impress you?


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Meh. I went to The Monster Ball but didn't get to see the BTWB besides for videos and stuff, but if there was one tour of hers I had to miss I'm okay with it being the BTWB.  It just didn't seem to have that same spark the monster ball did, can't wait for the artRave though!!

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I've never actually seem gaga live. The monster ball was too expensive and the born this way ball was canceled. But based off of videos, the monster ball seemed much better. Even just watching it on tv, that concert was something special. It was so well done. The born this way ball had a lot of songs that I'm not huge on. Hopefully the next Philly stop doesn't get canceled!!!!! I've Been dying to see her.

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It was amazing for me, Scheisse being literally the most epic 4 minutes of my life  :giveup:

The tour somehow brought the album to another level for me and it has been so special to me ever since, I really ARTPOP Ball can do the same for me as well. I love ARTPOP but it hasn't reached a place in my heart that BTW has yet.

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Why do you all hate the Europen leg?


I didn't go to any of the European shows, so I'm not the right one to judge, but from videos alone it was very hit or miss (just my opinion).


Some of her best performances (individual and overall) are from there (in particular, the UK/Paris shows), but also some of her worst. I don't know- she just seemed off (this was during the whole Princess High phase, which I was not a big fan of at all... maybe this was when she talked about her starting to get high all the time?). Some of the choreography, interactions, and general performing just got lazy. Stunted? Granted, she looked and sounded great throughout the whole run of the tour, so there's that for Europe.

3 points in and ready for more
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Tbh I liked the Monster Ball more than the BTW ball. I feel bad saying this especially if Gaga ever reads this thread. The Monster Ball was a lot more fun and less serious, although it still had it's serious moments which made it awesome. Omg that pyro-bra and the piano lit on fire completed my existence, seriously. I did like the BTW ball though. When she came out during the Highway Unicorn open on that gigantic black horse, I almost died. It was like watching god float down from the heavens. Most majestic moment of the show.

What this person said To Be Quite Mother F.u.Ck.ING honest

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She didn't dissapoint whatsoever, i was completely impressed. Absolutely had a fabulous time at the BTWB, and I love that taking my dad to the tour made him see Gaga in a new light and he has SO much more respect for her after hearing and seeing her live. 

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i got my money back
























because it was cancelled before she got here  :toofloppy:

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Cameron Dallas

It was a major disappointment unfortunately. I cringe at every gif and video I see of it :(



At least she's over that phase. I'm ready for artRAVE!

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Yes it greatly impressed me.Seeing it live versus amateur concert videos really makes a difference.

I saw the January 26th concert at MGM Grand and it was inconceivably spectacular.Words cannot describe how amazing that show was.She blew the roof off the place!

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It was perfect in my opinion. My FAVORITE album ever.  I thought the castle was beautiful. I thought everything was perfect.

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i never went to TMB


but from watching vids previous to attending TBTWB, it was definitely a show you had to experience in person. you can't judge it from youtube videos. 


I don't understand what was messy about it, yeah sure some of the choreo wasnt amazing and Gaga got tired every now & then. but she's on a world tour, changing time zone almost every day, performing & singing for 2+ hours nearly every night, ofc she's gonna get tired.


so lets not comment on her 'lazy' performing, bc her 'lazy' performing is probably the same level of the best performance you'll get from some other artists.

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I still love for the BTWBall, if that never happened I wouldn't be here and BTW wouldn't be my favourite album. Some of the BTWB performances are just amazing (HU, GH, BTW, BR, BM, Scheisse, TeoG, MTN, HML, Hair, FohL, JD, Lovegame, Telephone) but some are just bad (EC, and the whole meat part of the show - Americano, Alejandro and PF)

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