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The paid meet and greets sound rather unfair now


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I'm sure this is going to get plenty of "selfish :roll: " responses but I don't really care. This is how I feel about the meet and greet situation now that GaGa's spoken about it.


First of all, she said you can't get a meet and greet and be in the Monster Pit. What that means, I'm not entirely sure. She said you'll get to be on stage around a piano feet from her, which would be awesome, but she's still bringing other fans on stage anyway. I don't want to be sitting in the regular seats, so unless there's some special designated meet and greet area that's the absolute best view available, this sounds a bit ridiculous for the price that they will be charging. Unless she means the meet and greet people will be sitting on the stage the whole time; that would be pretty awesome, although I'm not sure how the view would be. And would we be standing or sitting? I mean if we're standing on the stage... that'll obviously be blocking people's views. And if we're sitting that would be a little boring. 


Second, and this is the thing that especially bugs me, is that they'll be bringing 20 other people in the pit backstage for free. Don't get me wrong, I think it's absolutely great that other fans who can't afford the meet and greet will be able to go backstage, but 20 people? If I'm going to be paying ~$1,500 for this, I want to have a good amount of time to talk with her and not feel rushed, like 5+ minutes. If there's 20 people, along with everyone else who buys the meet and greet, that's a lot of people who will probably only get a few words in. If it was 8 or 10 people, that'd be fine, but 20 people + everyone else who buys meet and greets sounds like it'll be a cluster**** backstage, unless the people who buy meet and greets will be given a longer amount of time.


Just my thoughts. Don't mean to sound greedy/selfish/like I'm complaining but for $1,500, I would sure expect a bit more exclusivity. I suppose the price isn't officially announced, but I doubt it'll be any less than $1,000. Hopefully the people who buy meet and greets will be given a priority with things like talking time with her because I don't want to pay $1,500 if I could get a similar experience with $85 and a little luck. She needs to do a nice, long LittleMonsters.com post and clear these things up.

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All I care is to see Gaga with my own two eyes and enjoy the show. I don't need to meet her, although that would be a great bonus. I'm not gonna pay money to meet someone and have a conversation, y'know? It's like me trying to have a conversation with a close friend and I've gotta pay money to talk. Paying for the concert is all I'm gonna do tbh. :)

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This is exactly what I hated about the BTWB. There's too much confusion about all this crap :duck: Oh, the days of TFB & TMB.

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i think that the 1500 is more because of the seat, and less because of the M&G... i know its a little unfair, but she had to make the M&G prices more expansive so she could lower the other tickets price. no one is being forced to pay 1500... 

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She can't win either way, if she lets the fans come in for free backstage then those who haven't got the time to wait days before to get in early won't get a chance and if she lets the people who pay for the most expensive tickets come backstage than those who can't afford it won't get the chance. She's doing both and people are still complaining, i don't see what more she can do

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I and many others wish we had the money to meet her so if you do, you should be thankful and not complain about stupid **** like that.

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All I care is to see Gaga with my own two eyes and enjoy the show. I don't need to meet her, although that would be a great bonus. I'm not gonna pay money to meet someone and have a conversation, y'know? It's like me trying to have a conversation with a close friend and I've gotta pay money to talk. Paying for the concert is all I'm gonna do tbh. :)


I agree with you. :)

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A little luck?

Honey, the fans who get picked to go on stage have a ton of luck and dedication.

For $1,500 you will get the privilege of NOT sleeping on the city streets for days.

And you will get the privilege of KNOWING you get to meet her.

Unlike the 700+ other people in GA hoping to get picked.

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I see your point, but with the btwball actually many people complained about that Idea, and that she should do meet and greets for those who dont like the pressure at the front, or couldnt get in time for the pit


I guess this is just a way to please everyone, altough that price is just -_-

It will definetly calm things down at the pit tho, at least we wont have certain  rich superfans getting called backstage just because, theyll pay for it now leaving the less fortunate more chances to meet Gaga

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I think the only difference between pit fans going backstage vs. the 1.5k price tag is the 1.5k price tag fans will get to be on stage for the entire performance with probably a lot of interaction with Gaga throughout the entire show


The actual backstage stuff is disconcerting for the reasons you outlined, though. I can see it being very rushed :ohno:

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Too expensive, i mean that price is crazy.. how expensive have been the M&G from other artists?


Nicki Minaj - $250 (plus a ticket)

Ke$ha - $250 

Miley Cyrus - $995


A lot of artists don't even do them.

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