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LMZ and Monster Pit eligibility


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Oh, okay, I found the tweet you're talking about. I wonder what she has in mind. Maybe the above-quoted idea about a catwalk around all of the GA.

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I don't understand how they're rushing with the ticket sales with almost no information at all.

We only have a few days before the pre-sale and I'm stressing about this LMZ/GA/monster pit issue  :ohno:

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I can't tell if y'all have figured it out yet or not, but the floor is one giant pit. Therefor the rules will be like TMB, LMZ will have the best spots at the front of GA, GA will go in behind them. 

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Where has Gaga said anything about the Monster Pit coming back for this tour? Are you referring to her tweet about general admission seating being "inside the stage"? I would think she'd wanna do something different for this tour. It's not like she's gonna re-use the same catwalk from the BTWB.


This tweet makes it sound like she wants to surround the entire GA with a catwalk:



You're right 


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high heeled fem

I thought there was no monster pit again :eww: i thought it was gonna be fun and stress free like the monster ball was and that we could see her from wherever we were.....

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