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New photo by Steven Klein (updated w/ Fame commercial outtake)


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I've come to the conclusion that the majority of Gaga fans must be hairless twinks stemming from their intense reaction to witnessing pubic hair. (That or they have hair alllllllllll over their asses and wish themselves hairless and judge - I've run into a few of those)

THIS IS RIDICULIOUS! I LOOOOVE a maintained pubic area. Do I want the insanity of the 70s back? NO! Do I want men or women having no hair, **** NO!



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I am so using this line from now on when I get into arguments with people in real life 

Also the way you write and explain your thoughts is very eloquent- they're a joy to read  :hug:


Thank you so much for the compliment, I'm blushing for real. :Kara:


You tried, Nissa. I read that journey through 9 pages. :deadbanana: "Extreme opinions" I can't even.


I know! "Journey" is indeed the perfect summation of what went down. Thanks for your reassuring words, Miklaus! I truly didn't know if I had taken the wrong approach or communicated badly or something but wow...

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Ya know... I would be exactly 0% surprised if the reason she even has pubes in the photo was to spark a discussion like this.


But honestly. People are saying "ewwww" about pubic hair and others are educating them on it because of a picture. It's like she's providing the catalyst for others to speak about it and she doesn't even have to. :hehe:

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Do I find pubic hair on women attractive? No.


Is it my body? No. 


Can I tell Gaga what to do with it? No. 


Do I care what Gaga's vagina looks like? No.


Should any of us care? **** no.

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i love the androgny and asymetry.... the image is provoking and unsettling at the same time its perfect but it makes you want to fix it ... love and hate i get from it

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:eek:  :shocked:  :omg:


the design looks really interesting,


to add more to the discussion, i think the hair in this picture looks completely normal.  That makes her human, and i can feel identified to that.  


If you want her to shave,  shave yourself first  ..... or even better, wax it!



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