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Tara Savelo awarded 5th best celebrity makeup artist in the world


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...As decided by whom?


I'm going to assume after looking up the author ot this article this wasn't decided by anyone with actual qualifications.

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hmmm judging by the descriptions, isnt she the youngest of those 5 too?



Tara is 29, but i dunno if she's younger :shrug:

hey I'm Doggo :derpga:
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Savelomonster <3



mess at her having "fans"


Savelodaily is having meltdowns she isn't no.1


hey I'm Doggo :derpga:
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The grammar and style of that article though...

I thought this was professional before I read it :cryga:

Oh well, at least she got some recognition :shrug:

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So happy for Tara! As someone said above, I think she can be a bit hit or miss, but I think that's more down to Gaga than her :flop:

Hope she's feeling well these days! I feel so bad that she has that terrible condition :(

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