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Billboard: Lady Gaga Splits With Manager


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SO MANY news sources are reporting this as true, I'm really concerned. The fact that reps wouldnt deny the split has me worried. If there was no split why not deny the rumours? They need to either confirm or deny because just having rumours swilling around like this does no-one any favours.

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Billboard didn't say it was true.

I didn't read the article lol.. I just assumed they wouldn't put this out unless they had a reliable source.

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I wonder if White Shadow is referring to this.


People are boners. That's pretty much it. And if you believe what boners say, than you are also a boner. #twittertalkisnotreal

Wisest words ever uttered in this earth :legend:

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maybe she will hire someone of the fanbase, since everyone state they would do a better job than Troy  :toofunga:

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Has anyone considered that perhaps these stories are being planted, to ensure maximum media coverage? Media manipulation could be a form of performance art.

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Has anyone considered that perhaps these stories are being planted, to ensure maximum media coverage? Media manipulation could be a form of performance art.


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