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Sexxx dreams edit request


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Is it possble for someone to remove the extra part from the studio version of s-x dreams so it will be like the itunes festival one but keep the original studio vocals ? That would be an amazing edit to the song but i honestly dislike the extra part to the point that it makes me skip the song everytime

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Ya im not a fan of the "You where in my dreams" Part.... this album could use a good editing job tbh. But I love most of it

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I guess this would be a bit difficult since we will probably need the original song instrumental to do it but its also doable if someone could use the hq itunes festival version and merge them in a way that wont so noticeable.

And you will make my life if you made this cuz I absolutely love this song and the production and was waiting eagerly for it then that extra part happened and i was like meh :/

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Yes I'd like this too. I wish she didn't add the "You were in my" part


Yeah, that ruins the flow of the chorus for me...

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