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ARTPOP Tour Stage - ideas


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So the stage itself would be a regular rectangular stage but the steps to the monster pit are in the shape of a seashell. Dangling from the ceiling above the entire stage would be fibre optic strands (kinda like out of Avatar). In the centre of the stage would be a giant colour changing Koons ball in which Gaga would stand and the ball will be raised and travel to the B stage which is a simple circular stage (slightly bigger than the Koons ball in order for Gaga to exit the ball and for the ball to be raised until returning to the main stage). The screen behind the Koons ball will be in the shape of a seashell also.

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I have just rethought this idea as it would restrict view, so maybe she could use it as means of travel from the main stage to the B Stage

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Blue Jeans

the Blackout tbh :nails:

Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen
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I have a (somewhat) fear that the ARTPOP tour will have a really simple stage fsr. That would be a cool idea though, especially if it changed colour for Venus and acted as a planet or something.

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Remember this??  ;) I want her to pull of something like this for ARTPOP.


531014_10151107415211080_893621909_n.pngRemember this??

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I made on on sketchup but it went wrong and I deleted it and can't be bothered to do another as it took me so long.

Ugh I'm so lazy sometimes

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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Remember this??  ;) I want her to pull of something like this for ARTPOP.


531014_10151107415211080_893621909_n.pngRemember this??

That would be great!
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To be honest, I really want a simple stage for this tour. Like the monster ball. I'm still thinking that the born this way ball stage was too much.

Fear, she's the mother of violence
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