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Any ideas on when she will Annouce ARTPOP tour?


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I hope she starts with North America this time around to make up for the lost BTWB dates, even though it wasn't her fault or anything, I haven't seen her live since like 2010 so I think she should start in North America. 


yeah i hope so to and then she sould come to europe in summer 2015  :duck:

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i don't want her to go on tour cause it marks the end of an era :'(

The Monster Ball didnt mark the end of tfm era.

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i don't want her to go on tour cause it marks the end of an era :'(


I don't want her to tour 1 year after the album just like BTW tbh

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Prince HighDie

I actually kind of hope she takes like a 6 month break after ARTPOP, releases volume 2 or an EP and then goes on a really big tour




THIS!!!, i don't want Vol. 2 to never come outttt if she said next year..  :excited2:

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I hope soon. I didn't get to see The Born This Way Ball cause I fell in the canceled shows category  :cry:



SOON.  :bunny:

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Maybe she'll release dates through the app :derpga:


Omg this tho :party:


But yeah, I think she'll announce it somewhere in the early 2014, maybe february or march or something.

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I actually kind of hope she takes like a 6 month break after ARTPOP, releases volume 2 or an EP and then goes on a really big tour

This is a really great idea, since she doesn't want to perform old songs. If we only had volume 1 (15 songs) it would be not enough for a show, but with volume 2, it would be a full show then and a really big tour, because everything is new!

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i don't want her to go on tour cause it marks the end of an era :'(

I don't think she will go on tour for ARTPOP. Maybe after ARTPOP Act 2? 

Probably on Grindr
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Why should she release the tour dates before Christmas even though she isn't likely to tour the USA till summer 2014? 

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Yes :awkney:



then you won't want a long wait between ARTPOP and the ARTPOPERA

stream ritacadabra
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Gaga released born this way of march of 2011 and didn't announce dates for the BTW ball until almost a full year later, in february of 2012. If she follows the same timeline, dates won't be released until October of 2014. 

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tonight for a halloween surprise!  :witchderp:

or christmas for a surprise

or new years for a surprise


i'm getting a bit carried away 

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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