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It’s Official: Lady Gaga’s New Song Featuring R. Kelly Is The Best Thing
“Do What U Want†is s-xy, fun, and kind of impossible not to body roll to. It’s also kind of refreshingly  dare we say it?  normal. In a good way.

I pronounce the new Lady Gaga/R Kelly single EXTREMELY GOOD.


Slant Magazine

The track, which features a verse from R. Kelly, is a measured electro banger that smartly doubles as a love song and finds Gaga doing her best impression of Christina Aguilera as she instructs detractors and/or a lover: "You can't have my heart/And you won't use my mind/But do what you want with my body."


Pretty Much Amazing
Look at that cover art. It’s certainly enough to make you taste bile, yet… we can’t make ourselves hate Lady Gaga and R. Kelly’s new single “Do What U Want.†We can’t deny we love the song’s Chromatics-like percolating synth lines or it’s bubbly New Wave-indebted melody. And we definitely cannot help but be totally on board when Kelz belts out at the top of his lungs: We taking these haters and we roughin’ them up. We layin’ the cut like we don’t give a fuuuuuuuck! Because, really, how many ****s should R. Kelly and Lady Gaga give? None. The answer is none.


“Do What U Want†is, as the kids say, a serious “bop.†Along with “Applause†and the rest of the songs previewed at the iTunes Festival, ARTPOP is seriously shaping up to be one of the top pop records of the year. Kudos, Gagaloo  you can Do What U Want with my bodeh.


Musically, the song blends together an energetic, driving throwback beat. It's hard to pin down the direct decade of influence, making "Do What U Want" feel timeless. There's the deep synth beat from the '80s, the funky R&B vocalizations from the '90s and the classic disco dance feel from the '70s.


The Daily Beast
The pop startist strikes again. The remarkable success of “Do What U Want,†is its self-assured straightforwardness. It’s got an earworm of a chorus that will make it a radio hit, and a driving, danceable beat throughout, the resistance to which is futile. It’s not selling itself as high artâ€â€or at least as any higher art than pop music.


Produced by Paul “DJ White Shadow†Blair and Gaga, the radio-friendly track is accompanied with a pop du jour piece of artwork – a butt-in-a-thong snap, presumably belonging to the Mother Monster herself. Gaga is in good form as she channels the throaty, sassy vocals of Christina Aguilera.


Lady Gaga Has a Butt (And a New Song With R. Kelly)
In the near future, every pop star will have one iconic body part. Katy Perry already has breasts locked up. Miley Cyrus has the tongue, or whatever the heck this is. Now, it’s more clear than ever that Lady Gaga is making a play for The Ass of Pop. Check out the Terry Richardson-assisted cover art for her new R. Kelly-assisted ARTPOP track, “Do What U Wantâ€:
The song’s pretty great, too! We love Gaga’s various esoteric theories about Art and Spectacle, but sometimes it’s nice to hear her sing about recognizable human emotions again.



Lady Gaga may regret telling R. Kelly 'Do What U Want' on new single

When Lady Gaga announced the full track list for her upcoming album ARTPOP, the most intriguing entry for super freaks everywhere was the song titled “Do What U Want.†It wasn’t so much that it was a particularly provocative name for a song, but more because the phrase “featuring R. Kelly†came right after.
That song has been released, along with a photo of Gaga’s be-thonged buttocks that serves as the cover art. The song, built on a totally ’80s synth throb, finds Gaga encouraging listeners to “Do what you want with my body.†Duet partner R. Kelly takes her up on that, crooning about doing shots and flying on private jets before doing what he wants with her body (in the back of a club, of course, because all the best R. Kelly verses take place in the back of a club). Honestly, the track doesn’t quite come together (Gaga’s vocal style clashes too much with both the track and Kelly’s smooth R&B pipes), but it’s an intriguing mind-meld nonetheless. Give it a listen below.

Gaga drove home the song’s sentiment  that her thoughts, dreams, and feelings are her own, no matter what you do with or say about her body  on Twitter. In the lead-up to the  release of “Do What U Want,†she ran through a handful of the biggest all-caps knocks levied against her on the Internet, including her sales rivalry with Katy Perry (“I write for the music not the charts,†she said), her weight, her aping of Madonna, and the never-dying rumor of her possession of male genitalia.



Lady Gaga has shot straight to number one on US iTunes with new single (WENN)

Lady Gaga has proved she is still an undeniable pop force not to reckoned with today as her new single 'Do What U Want' featuring RnB royalty, R Kelly has shot straight to the top of the US iTunes chart earlier today just hours after it's release.
The track, which serves as the second cut to be lifted from her forthcoming studio album ARTPOP looks certain to be a sure fire hit for the eccentric superstar, shutting down recent negative comments from critics who blasted the singer's new material.
The 'Poker face' chart-topper is currently fending off stiff competition from Justin Bieber who released his latest track 'Hold Tight' as part of his current '#MusicMondays' campaign, which currently trails Mother Monster at number two.
Country superstar Taylor Swift also released her new track, 'Better Than Fiction' taken from the soundtrack for the upcoming Paul Potts biopic 'One Chance' which has soared up to number five on the tally since it's release this morning.
Current champion of the Billboard charts, 16-year-old Lorde is staying strong at number three with Katy Perry's summer anthem 'Roar' holding firm at number four.
Lady Gaga will be making a welcome return to the UK this weekend as she appears on The X Factor to give an exclusive performance of her upcoming single 'Venus' in front of her latest rival Sharon Osbounre who recently blasted the singer for being a “self-righteous bullyâ€. Awkward!


The Daily Beast

Lady Gaga and R. Kelly’s ‘Do What U Want’ Is Pure Pop Heaven

The unlikely pair just released a track from Gaga's ARTPOP album. Groovy, catchy, and refreshingly simple, it may be Gaga's most straightforward pop song yet.

Lady Gaga recently tweeted that her forthcoming ARTPOP record will be “the album of the millennium.†It’s the kind of earnest bravado that only Gaga can get away withâ€â€but could it be true? The singer just released the second single from the album, and we’re still not sold on the lofty promise. But “Do What U Want,†featuring, of all people, R. Kelly, is quite good. More than that, it's the most straightforward pop song the singer’s released in years.

Gaga’s delivery sounds equal parts Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera, with breathy lilts opening the song morphing into forceful growls as the chorus begins: “Do what you want with my body.†The synth-pop backing is tinged with echoes of throwback R&B tracks by the likes of Tina Turner, and is less aggressive and more effortlessly listenable than what we’re used to from Gaga.

Contrasting against the cacophony of the very busy “Applause,†“Do What U Want†rides the same ripple for the length of the 3:48 track. R. Kelly trades steamy verses with a patient groove that reminds us why we’ve sorely missed the “Ignition†singer in the clubs, particularly when he’s singing about the club: “Do what I want with your body / Back of the club, taking shots, getting naughty / No invitations, it’s a private party.â€

Is “Do What U Want†Lady Gaga’s best song ever? Or destined to be her most influential? Absolutely not. But it’s refreshingly simple, almost familiar sounding. That’s what makes it remarkable.

Lady Gaga’s obsession with the idea of being a pop star and the act of creating pop music is well documented by this point, but there’s an unappetizing aftertaste of pop pretention that comes with that. There’s a knowingness, sure, in the “Applause†lyric, “Pop culture was in art / now art’s in pop culture in me,†that’s earnedâ€â€but that’s also a bit insufferable.

Her music videos are pure spectacle, which pop music is all about. But they’re also exhausting. The “Applause†video, for example, is crammed with artistic allusions to Fritz Lang, Ingmar Berman, Andy Warhol, and commedia dell’arte. The result is a visually arresting, but also leaves you feeling ignorant for not understanding the significance of the imagery. Not to begrudge Lady Gaga for challenging herselfâ€â€and her fansâ€â€artistically, but should a pop star really make you feel culturally illiterate?

The remarkable success of “Do What U Want,†is its self-assured straightforwardness. It’s got an earworm of a chorus that will make it a radio hit, and a driving, danceable beat throughout, the resistance to which is futile. It’s not selling itself as high artâ€â€or at least as any higher art than pop music.

This is, of course, still Lady Gaga, so a message of empowerment and self-respect somehow manages to infiltrate a flirty club track. The final time she sings, “Do what you want with my body,†she adds the word, “world.†It’s a direct response, it seems, to critics who have taken her to task over the years about her appearance, her music, and her relationships. Turned into a hashtag in a late-night Twitter tirade, “Do What U Want,†then, is not just a good pop song. Lady Gaga wants it to be a movement:


CoS "Consequences of Sound" (NEGATIVE HATING TEA)

Lady Gaga and R. Kelly’s “Do What U Want†was a bad idea

Last week, Lady Gaga promised to deliver a song a week for three consecutive weeks leading up to the November 11th release of ARTPOP. First up is her collaboration with R Kelly, “Do What U Wantâ€, which at first listen comes across as an uninspired and hypers-xual ripoff of Twin Shadow or the Drive soundtrack. Plus, the artwork doesn’t do it any favors.



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Why is it always Gaga doing her best "INSERT ARTIST" impression.... 

just accept these FLAWLESS POSITIVE REVIEWS AND THATS A COMPLIMENT...christina's voice is beautiful and godly

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Well deserved. I love reading positive criticisms on this era :clap: :clap:

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Why can't it just be Gaga.. anyway buy DWYW on iTunes

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I can't believe people keep referring to Christina Aguilera. They admit the song lives somewhere in the 70's to 90's but don't make the obvious connection to Tina Turner's iconic growl.

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Born Brave

I can't believe people keep referring to Christina Aguilera. They admit the song lives somewhere in the 70's to 90's but don't make the obvious connection to Tina Turner's iconic growl.

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ARTPOP is seriously shaping up to be one of the top pop records of the year. Kudos, Gagaloo  you can Do What U Want with my bodeh.


:cry: :legend:

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Idgi though, does Xtina now have a trademark on growly vocals? As I assume that's where those comparisons are from

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
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