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Infected Mushroom talks "Aura"


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how is this better than AURA???


Sorry, I don't think I was clear: It's not BETTER than "Aura," but both are great at being the things they set out to be. "Kink" is major groove-zone material. I would listen to that on repeat for an hour while getting a ton of work done. What Gaga / Zedd did to make "Aura" was adapt it into a pop song that tells a story, not just lyrically, but with its structure and instrumentation. The attitude that the chorus strikes, compared to the verses, is pretty telling.


In fact, a ton of Gaga's song arrangements are "in character" as much as Gaga herself is while singing them. 


I would go into detail about why I think "Aura" is a great example of the form matching content, but you know... blah blah... ;)

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I can't believe they even DARE to call themselves "artists"... cause I really don't know what pisses me off the most: their rude, unjustified arrogant, snob, ignorant attitude towards Lady Gaga's work, or their disrespectful self-labelling as "artists".

To call themselves "artists" is an insult to actual, real artists.

If you're an artist, you make, generally interesting, heartfelt, thoughtful pieces. They don't.

And most importantly: you don't compromise your creations for some cash. They did.

They're not only very ignorant and rude, but they're also hypocrites. You can't sell YOUR ART (assuming you're a real artist, that delivers artistic pieces - which is obviously not their case) to a person you loathe, or dislike, just for the money, and then claim "I'm embarrassed" to save your credibility and false "underground" image. That's just bullsh*t.

Because it's actually worst: is not like... I don't know "I sell my painting to someone I despise, for that person to hang it on a wall", but more like "I sell my painting to someone I dislike, to PAINT OVER IT and make a new piece out of it, just for money". It's a collaboration, they KNEW Gaga would add her vocals, and her personality to the track. They agreed to let an artist they don't like, to mess with their work, for money, for fame and publicity.

That's ANYTHING but artistic integrity.

Is actually the epitome of selling out. Of course they should be embarrassed: they better be ASHAMED of their rudeness, lack of proper manners and respect towards other musicians, their ignorance, and of course, for daring to call themselves "artists". They are anything BUT artists.

Regarding their work: heard it once, bored the hell out of my existence. And I have read the comments made on several forums when "Aura" leaked: people hated it, the only thing they liked about it was the chorus, because of Gaga's vocals. Even I didn't really get the song at first, until the Itunes performance (once again: it was Gaga's input what made me love the track, her approach).

I love "Aura" so much, I hope she uses the "Infected" collaboration only for the Vevo lyrics video, for free, and re-works the song without them, for the actual video, and album version.

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This makes me really not like them now...

And them openly admitting that they sold out :rip:

Pathetic. They don't deserve GaGa

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Gaga should thank them publicly for their amazing collaboration and see careers end haha  :cool:

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Wow how snobby can a dj be? Get over yourself! Love Aura though so fair play to them for making it lol

Ikr.  He says they don't like being commercial yet their recent songs have tons of catchy melodies.  I don't get it.  It sounds to me like they are trying to put themselves up on a pedestal because they have been in the biz for so long and still haven't gotten big.


I kind of regret purchasing 20 dollars worth of their music last week.  but it's so good and im prolly gunna buy more :fan:

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Honestly, I love "Aura," and I just heard "Kink," and think it's awesome as well.


Personally, I like my EDM without lyrics because it makes a track too specific, and I use EDM to daydream. So, I'm that guy who skips ahead the second I hear a vocal when I don't want one. Sorry! *Lady Is A Tramp shrug* It's my daydream, geddout!


Having now heard both tracks, I would recommend you do the same because it will demystify the situation, help you breathe easier, and realize we're actually lucky because both versions are dope. 


Kink / I Shine:


i wish all of kink was kept for Aura.  especially :46 in that snippet you posted

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This is actually really disappointing as I've been a fan of Infected Mushroom way longer than Gaga. Ugghh why does everyone have to hate on her so much???

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Toda raba!! (for those who don't mean hebrew, that means thank you very/so much.)


If there's anything I know socially about Israelis, it's that they're nearly always direct and honest (in my experiences). Whether you like it or not, they say exactly what they think.


excuse me, though, while I fangirl over the fact that Gaga used something from an ISRAELI group 



although I can't say I condone their opinion one bit  :crossed:

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