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Infected Mushroom talks "Aura"


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It's the opposite! Her vocals are killing the song at the verses..

Only the first verse ... In my opinion the Choruses and the 2nd verse are amazing and are really complementing the Instrumental In the most perfect way, that's why I'm praying that the Studio version is fixed at the beginning :ohno:  It can really be one of Gaga's greatest club songs ...

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why doesn't she just write her own music?  i like aura but i thought gaga was above picking a song and singing over it like a kid in a sweet shop.  she's even said as much of herself, i don't understand why she did this.  i'm kind of glad they criticised her, hopefully it'll put her off from pulling a stunt like that again.  it's disappointing to me as a fan of her work.


Not sure if someone's already replied to this, but I'm pretty sure she's done things like this before. Marry The Night's opening chords, at least, were written by Garibay. Government Hooker's instrumental was an old hip-hop track DJWS had.  I suspect Monster might have undergone a similar treatment since the concept demo is so extremely different from the end result but features the same/similar lyrics. I guess Gaga wants to collaborate with others more than she's already been doing? I do wish she'd stick to writing all of her songs, chords, melody, and lyrics, but at least in the previous situations she wrote the melody and lyrics. It's not like "Nothing On But The Radio" where she had no hand in writing it.

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We felt embarrassment for our fans

LOL **** off, how ****ing snobby do they sound? And yeah, such artistic integrity that they accepted plenty of money for the song to be used by Gaga. POOR THINGS DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO BE CREDITED.



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How did I miss this mess. Sorry but they are not even a great EDM group . I hate people when they think they are the best while they are just cheap f******* garbage mess. All these hipster **** must come to the end.  :eww:  :eww::wtf:

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Not sure if someone's already replied to this, but I'm pretty sure she's done things like this before. Marry The Night's opening chords, at least, were written by Garibay. Government Hooker's instrumental was an old hip-hop track DJWS had.  I suspect Monster might have undergone a similar treatment since the concept demo is so extremely different from the end result but features the same/similar lyrics. I guess Gaga wants to collaborate with others more than she's already been doing? I do wish she'd stick to writing all of her songs, chords, melody, and lyrics, but at least in the previous situations she wrote the melody and lyrics. It's not like "Nothing On But The Radio" where she had no hand in writing it.

yes, i know all this. i'm not a fan of the practise.
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AND I'm more disappointed by ZEDD. "There's a problem. Lady Gaga wants your song"

WHAT?!?! A problem? From this sentence and many interviews I understood that he doesn't like Gaga, but is trying to ger more popular by working for her. He's in the same league as Infected Mushrooms.

I'll probably like his songs on ARTPOP, but I won't respect him anymore.


You're not understanding his comment. The fact that Gaga wanted the song meant that the original intention for the song could change.

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Guest Niolodi

I think what grinds my gears most about this isn't that they are insulting the song. But rather they are not sticking by their work. They are sucking integrity out of something that has spawned out of their work. This is not proper and polite business. Yeah yeah I know it's the business and it ain't nice, but why downplay something you are gettin paid for? Not that she would, but Gaga could easily drop the song right? It just sucks when musicians I respect and were excited to work with Gaga downplay the collab ( although I guess it's technically a sample/cover). Clearly they don't want to look like sellouts to their fans, but like people mentioned before, they totally admit to selling out whilst also saying they don't want to sell out

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Forrest Gump



The following is taken off Infected Mushroom's interview with Israeli weekend newspaper "Sheva Leylot" (7 Nights), translated by me:


Gaga is being mentioned again when they are talking about turning down Madonna's offer to be her opening act:

can you post a link

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Wow... Well I'm

Sure they'll be happy with their pockets

Lets go take a howl at that moon🌙 -Crowley
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can you post a link

There's no link dude. It's a physical newspaper. Scans are on the way, In case some of you reads Hebrew.

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