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Gaga to let fans pick second single


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yeah all of this second single talk after Applause has only been out for 3 weeks is way to premature. :/ I assume she's just wondering what our faves currently are

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Guys! Think about the album era as a whole! Which song will have the best effect on the era? We need to go with MANiCURE or Swine! Aura can be done later. Sex Dreams should be a later single like 4th/ 5th as an experiment. If it does well she can keep going! If it doesn't we won't be surprised!

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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There will be blood... :toofunny:

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people. -Carl Jung
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Gaga honey, it's still too early for you to tweet about choosing the second single, and lezbihonest here MANiCURE really is the most radio friendly between all of these tracks, AURA will never be a hit, SEXDREAMS lyrics are wayyy too risky and dirty for radio to play it, Swine does have a chance tho

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why did she have to pit MANiCURE and s-x dreams against each other in that one tweet?  :smh:  faved for s-x dreams anyway.

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SEX DREAMS is obviously gonna be a single. She's been talking about it the most lately.

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Ellie Goulding

MANiCURE isn't my favorite, but I honestly think it would do the best. Aura will NOT bring any success for Gaga, it's a rehash of BTW tracks and we all know how successful those were with the public. Sex Dreams is probably my favorite, but I can't see radio playing it. I also think ARTPOP would do well. 

Edited by Ellie Goulding
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Don't worry about Aura. It's probably gonna be a single anyway. 


Every song is a risk now.
Swine has great music but the lyrics are too weird for the GP.
Sex Dreams is not a typical pop song.
Aura is controversial and weird
MANiCURE is not really fresh but at the same time is not generic. The lyrics are too girly.

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Guys lets think about this realistically, MANiCURE would slay the charts, and even as a sound similar to poker face, WE HAVE TO STOP THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX FOR SINGLES!! YES!! Sex dreams is one of her best songs to date BUT, who wants to listen to "making love in my s-x dreams" 20 times in a row on a radio??? MANiCURE has that radio vibe !! 

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MANiCURE is a guaranteed hit, but imagine the "I can't believe I'm telling you this, I had a couple drinks..." part in the music video for Sex Dreams :giveup:

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