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DJWS's PDF in lossless quality?


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I don't have money for it I really need a dl


I can send you my Itunes quality files if you want.

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If anyone else needs the DL link, I will send it to them, but I will not post a public link.



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so what is this thread about. a bit more than some random letters in the title would be helpful.

You will learn respect!
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what does lossless mean again. ?

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so what is this thread about. a bit more than some random letters in the title would be helpful.

It wasn't even vague. I'm talking about DJWS's PDF, if anyone has it in lossless quality, which is basically exactly what the title says. Lol.

what does lossless mean again. ?

The highest possible quality audio. What the producer hears in the studio. Very large file, usually in FLAC or WAV formats.

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