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This is how Applause is going to look like in your iTunes Library

Silver Keith

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Silver Keith

no offense at all in the least but YOU KNOW you're hungry for that new single when you draft up how it will look in your Itunes in 22 days ! :dies::hug: :lol:


Haha, I always do this for every single, it's kind of become a tradition for me :flop:

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I think I will saturate the colors of thecover in order to make the font color(s) appear. Black & white background/writings is boring :laughga:

"I have been writing LG5 since I was 13"
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At that size it just looks like a freaky ass clown.

Clowns scare me :(


Edit: scare is the wrong word. I'm not frightened of them, I just really don't like them. The cover art doesn't bother me that much up close but I might have to make my own for iTunes n_n

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