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Electric Chapel [HausOfJono Acapella]


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*HausOfJono Acapella


>> Made of several filtered pieces + snippets. If you want to use this, please credit, it took a lot of hard work.

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Ellie Goulding

Oh my god. You're so good with this stuff :eek: You have some of the best fanmade stuff i've ever heard. Keep it up :legend:

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Oh my god. You're so good with this stuff :eek: You have some of the best fanmade stuff i've ever heard. Keep it up :legend:

THIS :worship2:

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We all can see the hard work that you do and the time you put into your work,

I just want to say how great you are and that we appreciate it.

If you could filter that Guitar stem on this track i'll die!

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Such a ****ing hard core msdoiqjdoqisjdosq good work :DD How do you filter this? by Frequencies or what?

Do you have the Instrumental?

really! u have remix instrumental? omg

I do not have anything that you guys don't have. This is comprised of previously leaked snippets from the official acapella AND filtering using the original track, the various remixes, etc.

Oh my god. You're so good with this stuff :eek: You have some of the best fanmade stuff i've ever heard. Keep it up :legend:

I love that "meet me, meeeeet meeee" bit :wub: Great job :)

We all can see the hard work that you do and the time you put into your work,

I just want to say how great you are and that we appreciate it.

If you could filter that Guitar stem on this track i'll die!

Thank you!

Unfortunately it isn't possible (to my knowledge) to filter out the Guitar stem. I can eliminate the guitar stem partially, but can't isolate for it. Sorry! :x

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its amazing!!

I'm just curious though why do you have the vocals from both verses playing at the same time in the two verses? Can you separate them?

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