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2011 Live Performances Thread. [Moved from old GGDB]


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*I moved it here to the new boards cause I think it's my most-important post. I'll update if you want.*

2011 Live Performances Thread. *Updated 4-8-11*

Ok, This was my big problem, to orginaize my collection, cause fortunatlly Gaga performed a lot live. But, because I saw no one seems to orginaize the files and share, I decided to take the step. I'm working hard, (9 to 5 is a sweet dream for me) but when I have 'blank' days I will update this thread.

I'm posting the performances .zip ordered just like the folders inside my '2011' folder.

Feel free to post artworks here =]

Born This Way Promo Tour


Password: AmirGGD

*Album: Gaga Live 2011

*Tagged as 'Lady Gaga' and not 'GaGa'.

*Year: 2011

*Gala Performance has audio of Alejandro, but only 1 Minute of it.

*Still looking for Speechless audio (or youtube video) from Annabel's performance..

Broadcast Performances

Pt.1 (306MB)


Password: AmirGGD

*W/o HBO files in the folder. If you want me to upload it specially I will.

*There are some files I could not decide which is better, so I left it for you.

*Album: Gaga Live 2011

*Tagged as 'Lady Gaga' and not 'GaGa'.

*Year: 2011

** Pt.2 (280MB)


Password: AmirGGD

*There are some files I could not decide which is better, so I left it for you.

*Album: Gaga Live 2011

*Tagged as 'Lady Gaga' and not 'GaGa'.

*Year: 2011

Pt.3 - Coming soon...

Enjoy =]

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No one ever post a big collection, but there was some. I didn't find any of them in the old GGDB but here is the

X-Posed interview- http://www.multiupload.com/00YWBC29JV

Inside and Outside interview- http://www.multiupload.com/Z1A3Y28N1L

You can find more in this costum search I made through GagaFrontRow.net - http://www.google.com/search?q=interview+audio&sitesearch=gagafrontrow.net

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  • 3 weeks later...

*waits for part 3* :3

As your wish. As soon as I come home from the army :) (Hope it will be this weekend)

I'm lucky to at least have my phone with me :)

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