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Patricia Field: Gaga doesn't steal from Madonna but is inspired by her


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I can't believe someone even has to say this, shouldn't it be obvious? Still though. :tea:

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Finally, some truth tea is spilled. :tea:

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I can't believe someone even has to say this, shouldn't it be obvious? Still though. :tea:

Except Madonna fans and don't know all the people from the 70s and 80s she was inspired by. Like Debbie Harry.

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Mister G

Except Madonna fans and don't know all the people from the 70s and 80s she was inspired by. Like Debbie Harry.


Welcome to the 21st century, where people would prefer to take the easy way out instead of actually doing the right thing and getting their facts right. It's so much easier to accuse someone of copying and slam them for anything and everything then it is to sit down and examine what's really going on. Those fans you're referring to live in this fantasy world where a) Madonna is 100% original and did everything first and b) that no one could ever top her success or come close to it and c) all other female pop artists are just living in her shadow.


Anyone with a brain knows that Madonna borrowed and was inspired by many of the female artists that were around during her time AND before, especially when it came to fashion. Problem is that because she's the only one from the 80's that's still somewhat relevant (Whitney counted too but we lost her sadly), people automatically assume that she's the end all-be all. Yes, because Madonna invented air and created the universe. Not being spiteful or mean, just being realistic. It's nice to see prominent figures in the fashion industry recognize that Gaga is going off of inspiration.

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I respect Pat. Her work on SATC is legendary. And what she says about Gaga is the truth. Madonna is/was one of her muses and she pulls inspiration from her the same way Madonna used Marilyn and Marlene (and countless others) as her muses.

Welcome to the 21st century, where people would prefer to take the easy way out instead of actually doing the right thing and getting their facts right. It's so much easier to accuse someone of copying and slam them for anything and everything then it is to sit down and examine what's really going on. Those fans you're referring to live in this fantasy world where a) Madonna is 100% original and did everything first and b) that no one could ever top her success or come close to it and c) all other female pop artists are just living in her shadow.


Anyone with a brain knows that Madonna borrowed and was inspired by many of the female artists that were around during her time AND before, especially when it came to fashion. Problem is that because she's the only one from the 80's that's still somewhat relevant (Whitney counted too but we lost her sadly), people automatically assume that she's the end all-be all. Yes, because Madonna invented air and created the universe. Not being spiteful or mean, just being realistic. It's nice to see prominent figures in the fashion industry recognize that Gaga is going off of inspiration.



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Yasss! Finally someone gets it and isn't trying to just un-credit all that GaGa is

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