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RQ: Born This Way 8/16-Bit Album?


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This is an absolutely odd request but I'm wondering if anyone out there has remade all the tracks for Born This Way into an 8-Bit or 16-bit album. How badass would that be?

I've been listening to some on YouTube and totally want a Lady Gaga game with nothing but 8/16-Bit versions of her songs playing.

I know it's a bit weird but let me know if anyone has anything like that. (Or at least the original files to the examples below which are all by FrankJavCee on YouTube)


Bloody Mary


Heavy Metal Lover

Electric Chapel

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They would need to be a MIDI file to be properly converted.

1. Find MIDI files of Gaga songs on the web.

2. Download a program called GXSCC.

3. Run the MIDI files through GXSCC.

The songs will now be 8-bit. Hope this helps!

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It's not an odd request at all! FrankJavCee is awesome!!! I love his remix of So Happy I Could Die! :music:


I know there's a lot of Gaga 8-bit tracks out there, I don't know if there's a full album's worth or not.

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