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New Instagram story regarding the iHeart Radio Awards

Jessica Germ

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Jessica Germ

Well Ms Gaga just posted a story telling us how she is going to the awards and she is excited to “see us there” :gum: 

Now this might be a reach, I might have even posted this in the wrong topic, but if she was just attending, why would she announce it that way?

Why is she “so excited”? :cheeky: I just feel like she’s cooking something up…


Link: https://www.instagram.com/stories/ladygaga/3590611505726973816?igsh=MWdkYjR1NWVoYWpyaA==

and don’t eviscerate me in case this turns out to be a huge reach :holdmyhand:

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probably because she's recieving the innovator(i think?) award :traumatica: which has been announced for a while and also her seating place has been leaked

Edited by Zombiecat
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This is not gonna be her look there. Right? And I really hope she performs. Why arrange a award like this (I mean we all know they are often an arrangement by the label, so they are given during promo times, like Katy at the VMAs) and not use it for promo?

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Back to be being desperate right after receiving the record of her career. Honestly, same. Where is the LG8 thread?

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she's not performing y'all...it's just an award acceptance, don't get your hopes up. 

you can serve it to me ancient city style...
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