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I say this with love…


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I think some fans really need to touch grass.

1. I understand this is a Gaga forum and obviously everyone is free to say whatever they want but some of you really need to learn how to express opinions and criticism

 Being blunt and unfiltered is really not it and when people call you out, victimising yourself is just not gonna work.

The reason why its important to choose your words wisely and yet express what you really want is to avoid unnecessary insults, drama and just generally tasteless comments that makes the internet a cesspit. Instead, you can have deep constructive conversations if you are skillful with it and say things with respect.

2. getting deep into the parasocial dynamics and idolizing people like Gaga is really unhealthy and I think we should collectively call out people who keep dissecting her personal relationships.

In a respectful way ofcourse.

her private life is non of our business and whatever she is sharing with us is a privilege to have. Any speculation beyond is just that. Speculation.

Be happy for her. After years of abusive and toxic men surrounding her she genuinely feels renewed and secure! Lets celebrate that instead of reading into it more than what is there.

3. i have to mention and im sorry but the whole expectations and hyper focus on sales, streams is really doing my head in. It feels similar to gambling addiction. Its giving NPC matrix vibes.

Ofcourse good reviews and positive feedback is nice to have and can make us proud as fans but come on.

Music shouldnt be about what the GP thinks, who cares about the general public opinions?

Some people have no clue about music or just anything in general.

Why do some people want the approval of phantoms and murky groups of people they dont even know or just pass by on the street?


anyway as a closer, i think collectively as fans we could do better but im also gery happy to see all the praise and positive constructive threads on GGD recently! It sparked a new found joy in me of being a little monster since the beginning so thank you for that!:flutter:

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I think it's a dumb expectation to expect that people will handle "being called out" with an open mind and maturity.

Life isn't like that. 

Call out a stranger, buckle up.  And if you can't take it, don't call people out.

There's a LOT of mental instability, illness and frankly, autism on this site and if it's bothering you, "telling" people how they "should" act is only going to make it worse because they're not going to change for you.

You're welcome to tease them for it.  It's fun.  Just don't get caught up in an expectation that you can change them or that they "SHOULD" be different than they are.  


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@DISZKO ‘ i say this with love’

Me: :dom: then opens thread

i thought it would be a Mayhem lashing thread:cryga:

You cant hide who you are 11:59
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if this is about me (rightfully) claiming that STUPID LOVE IS NOT THE THIRD SONG ON CHROMATICA, IT IS THE SECOND SONG!!!!!!! I WILL GLADLY DIE ON THIS HILL!!!!!! :firega:


Edited by Controversiaga
Pronounced like “Balenciaga” . Emphasis on the “Ga”
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Head Empty
9 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

"telling" people how they "should" act is only going to make it worse

Mostly agree with this...

9 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

There's a LOT of mental instability, illness and frankly, autism on this site

... But why do you proceed to call me out anyway? :bradley:

Happiness will never last, darkness comes to kick your ass... ‎ ᵃˢˢ 🕺
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like is it so hard to realise the difference between saying "i don't like chromatica" and calling it "midmatica"

mother, what must i do?
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me being like "with all due respect you need to shut the kcuf UP cause you are dumb and ded-tar-re

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5 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

I think it's a dumb expectation to expect that people will handle "being called out" with an open mind and maturity.

Life isn't like that. 

Call out a stranger, buckle up.  And if you can't take it, don't call people out.

There's a LOT of mental instability, illness and frankly, autism on this site and if it's bothering you, "telling" people how they "should" act is only going to make it worse because they're not going to change for you.

You're welcome to tease them for it.  It's fun.  Just don't get caught up in an expectation that you can change them or that they "SHOULD" be different than they are.  


I think you might have misunderstood my point. I’m not saying people should change for me or that everyone will always react well to being called out. I’m simply advocating for a more constructive and respectful way of discussing things, because I believe it leads to better conversations rather than unnecessary drama.

I’m also not trying to “tell” people how to act, but rather encouraging a shift in how we engage with each other as a fan community. Toxicity, excessive bluntness, and personal attacks don’t make for enjoyable discussions, and I don’t think that’s an unreasonable thing to point out.

The part about mental illness and autism feels unnecessary—everyone, regardless of neurodiversity or mental health struggles, is capable of respectful conversation. My post wasn’t about policing anyone, just about fostering a space where we can actually enjoy discussing the artist we love without it turning into chaos.

If you disagree, that’s totally fine, but I just wanted to clarify where I was coming from.

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5 minutes ago, HermesG said:

U suggest us to erase the Chart section cause u find it gambling addiction or what? 

No, I’m not saying the Chart section should be erased. I just think the hyper-focus on sales and streaming numbers can sometimes take away from simply enjoying the music. Of course, following charts can be fun, but when it turns into stress and constant comparison, it starts to feel less about the music itself and more about external validation. Just my perspective!

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27 minutes ago, DISZKO said:

Some of these comments just prove that you do really need to touch grass :classy:

the problem with people who says to others to touch some grass is that they themselves also needs to touch some grass.

but did grass even give it's consent to be touched? think about it :Cautious:

Come on and wrap that blade of grass around my hairy ass
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53 minutes ago, KennyRichie said:

I was just getting ready to defend Gaga at all costs

me Free Woman

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
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